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Different Perception Of Race In Education: Racial Minority & White Teachers

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There is a sense that diversity is changing rapidly in today’s generation. What may not being talked about in society that diversity directly effects is the students in our school system and the educators around them. New challenges are being tasked to the teachers in our schools with having the ability to not only adhere to students when it comes to their academia level but also on a personable one as well. It starts with diversity, we know our students are becoming more and more diverse but is our open administration and teaching positions understanding that change? This is where I believe we need to see the biggest growth. In the book “Leading for Diversity” Before we can begin to unravel how our perceptions, attitude, and beliefs affect …show more content…
This is just a point of view from a former special needs educator, the issues principals would face I figure would be greater. In “Different Perception of Race in Education: Racial Minority & White Teachers” Paul R Carr & Thomas R. Klassen where they discuss how minorities are able to relate better to other minorities because of experiences “Teachers are, undoubtedly, and important factor, and the influence of the lived experiences of predominantly white teachers and administrators working with and increasingly racially diverse student body needs to be understood” (page 68). This part of the excerpt stood out to me because it made me think of the hiring process of teachers and administrators in education later on page 69 Carr & Klassen state that “almost 50% of secondary students are of racial minorities and only 10% of teachers are of racial minorities (Carr, …show more content…
I believe a diversified group of leaders would work wonders for all schools as it would serve as a counter for the increase of diversity. With only 10% of the teachers being minority makes it hard for students to identify someone who looks like them or have shared some of the same experiences as they have. Seeing minorities in higher positions which go against the stereotypes that are seen on television (African Americans being drug dealers, basketball players, rappers & Mexicans portrayed as: maids, gangbangers etc.) would serve as somewhat of role model type situation for students. According to Michael A. Fletcher of the Washington Post in the article “Minorities and whites follow unequal college paths” a statistic says “more than 111,00 African American and Hispanic students graduate in the top half of their class but do not earn either a two-year or four year degree within eight years” it later states that “if those students had attended one of the top 468 colleges and graduated at rates similar to those of other students there 73 percent of them would be college graduates” the numbers don’t surprise me looking at these numbers I realized that intellect isn’t the problem with grooming our minority students to be successful it is encouraging them to

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