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Why Muslims Hate America

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America has been attacked by radical Muslims (terrorists) multiple times over the past decade; WTC bombings, Boston Marathon bombings, etc. The reasons Muslims hate America are plentiful and Osama Bin Laden wrote in his “Letter to America” that the reason al-Qaida attacked America is because “America attacked and continues to attack the radical Muslims.” Schweikart states that these Muslim terrorists are poor and uneducated and hate America because we support Israel. The belief that these terrorists are uneducated and poor is widely accepted throughout America and the rest of the World. However, Marc Sageman of the Foreign Policy Research Institute researched background data of about 400 terrorists and found that about three-quarters of those terrorists were in the middle or upper classes. He also noted that ninety percent came from “caring, intact families,” and roughly sixty percent had gone to college, this is far more than the average of the “third world.” The alleged leader of the 9-11 attacks, Mohammed Atta, had a graduate degree. The masterminds of most of the major terrorist attacks in Indonesia were both skilled engineers …show more content…
In 1948, after World War II and the Holocaust, Israel became a nation. To the West, the establishment of Israel is an attempt to provide a safe-haven for the millions of Jews throughout the World. Much of the Jewish population in Israel shares dual-citizenship with America because they moved to Israel from America when the nation was established. Many of the Muslims view of Israel are totally opposite of those in West. The land Israel sits on was Palestinian territory prior to 1948 and many Muslims were forced to either stay and become citizens of Israel or pick up and move to another Muslim nation. These Muslims feel like America supported Israel in leaving them “robbed of life, property, and

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