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Why Originality Is Dead

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Originality is Dead

One of the highest valued human trait has died, yet society continues to emphasize the importance of originality. How frequently at school were childeren advised to be original in everything they did? They may not realize the impossibility of this task because it is so highly valued, but why cherish something that could be argued that it doesn't exist anymore. Originality is overrated not only because people confuse creativity with originality, but because humans all think the same way, and most ideas are already taken. It happens time and time again when someone gets an idea only to discover it has already been invented. There are billions of people in the world right now, and an infinite amount since the beginning of time. The very idea that you have imagined a concept that has yet to be discovered is essentially impossible. Most "new ideas" are just revisions of old ones. Even in entertainment and media there are seldom any new concepts. Majority are remakes of original stories such as Cinderella, Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet. They take these classic original stories and spin them into something new. …show more content…
Throughout a person's existence they typically feel the need to blend in with society. This most commonly happens during high school and the early adult years, but it's a predicament everyone experiences. It makes us want to be normal instead of unique. Humans are programmed to think the same way. Our brains and bodies all work exactly the same. Refer to the basic nature vs. nurture concept. Everyone starts off identical but start becoming their own person based on how they grew up, but our basic makeup and thought process is still all the same. How are we supposed to come up with original ideas if the entire population is similar in one way or

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