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Why Soccer Is Important To Me

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As soon as I saw this quote I immediately thought of soccer. This quote really applies to all sports but in my life it definitely is true for soccer. If I had never been challenged in my life there would be no motive for me to get better. Part of that's my amazing coach pushing me but the rest is the work put in by every girl I have ever played with or against. This quote is the definition of sports itself.
To begin with I want to thank my coach. I have played for him for around 10 years of my life. He has made the greatest influence on me in my life. He has pushed me to be the best player and person I can be. Without him I would be not be where I am right now. Coach Larry has always been someone I am proud to call my coach. Although he isn’t just my coach he is family. He has always taught us about part of the beautiful game of soccer. When we lose he will tell us what we need to fix and this loss inspires us to be better. Without him though we would hang our heads and not be as inspired without him. So with our struggle he makes it possible for all of us to get better and make progress. …show more content…
First of all they aren’t just a team; they are my family. I can’t imagine life without any of them. Holly an amazing center back accepted me from the very beginning. She has pushed me to be better and helped me along the way. I only met her this year but she is like a sister to me now. If I am ever struggling she always helps me. She isn’t just another center back or teammate, she is my sister. I couldn't imagine being in this family without her. With her I’ve made so much progress at being the best defender I can be. In all the times of struggle she has been there for me and I really just want to thank her for

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