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William Jennings Bryan Research Paper

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William Jennings Bryan. Who was he? Maybe you’ve heard of him; maybe that name rings a bell deep in the part of your mind where you store useless information from High School. But the few people who are familiar with the story of William Jennings Bryan know that he was an inspiring, driven, Godly man who made his mark on this world for The Lord. William Jennings Bryan, in his 65 years of life, ran for the presidency twice, fought against evolution, stood up for what he believed in, and kept his faith through everything. William Jennings Bryan, though not very well known, was an amazing, inspiring historical figure.

William Jennings Bryan was born on March 19, 1860, in Salem, Illinois, to Mariah Jennings Bryan and Silas Bryan. Silas Bryan, Will’s father, was a lawyer with his own legal practice in Salem. Silas was a baptist and a democrat. He married Will’s mother, Mariah Jennings in 1852. Mariah was recalled by William as a woman of amazing character and great moral fiber. Both of William’s parents were extremely religious, and that played a major part in Will’s upbringing and life. Will was educated by his mother until the time he was 10, therefore, he was taught to study the Bible and be religious from a young age. In fact, when …show more content…
He attended a private school called Whipple Academy and later went on to study at Illinois College. While living in Jacksonville, he lived with a distant cousin of his father, Dr. Hiram K. Jones and his family. Going to school in Jacksonville gave William the opportunity to seriously pursue one of his passions and main interests: speech and debate. Will had always loved giving speeches and talking in public; it is even rumored that, even when we was as young as 4 years old, Will gave speeches to his friends from his porch. When he moved to Jacksonville, he pursued speech and debate at his school, and even participated in a speaking contest 3 times.

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