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Wind Ensemble Analysis

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Wind Ensemble

The Wind Ensemble at the Frauenthal Theater Center, Muskegon took place on Monday April 9th, 2018, at 7:30 pm, featuring the Muskegon Community College Wind Ensemble, and the conductor, Daniel M. Meyers. The group consisted of 16 different instruments, all wind except for the piano and percussion. The group performed four short pieces, including; “Somewhere” by Leonard Bernstein, “America” by Leonard Bernstein, “Loch Lomond” by Frank Ticheli, and “Children’s March” by Percy Grainger.
The first performances were both compositions from West Side Story, a 1957 Broadway musical. “Somewhere” starts slowly, with a melancholy air. It builds up to a more triumphant sound towards the end of the middle section, recognized by the change in volume and speed of the playing. Then dying back down again for the ending. The slow, fast, slow progression leaves an impression of sorrow, building hope, then a strong aura of longing. I looked up the lyrics for the song, and found that they were quite lonesome. The theme of finding time to just exist …show more content…
Even when the tempo slows down the mood never sours. As it states in the title of the song, the work is reminiscent of youth. Being a kid, loud and carefree, summers spent outdoors and late nights of giggling and talking too loud. The quiet, inbetween parts carry a heavy feeling of the secrecy children have from adults. The separation of how kids act around each other and with adults. The loud parts being children interacting with each other, and the quiet how they act when under supervision. This piece actually reminds me a lot of a song from Peter Pan, titled “Following the Leader”. The scene in which this song plays depicts the kids having an adventure, on their own, before being captured. Which is very similar to my own interpretation of the “Children’s March”, with the kids being jovial on their own, but much more muted when

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