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Wise Choice Process

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1. Write the six questions of the Wise Choice Process and answer each one as it relates to your situation.

1. What’s my present situation?
(I wish I had this step-by-step process the last couple of weeks when I was faced with decisions I was unsure of. I do not have any current situations, so I will use one from the first week of school.)
As I have stated, I am returning back to school after 15 years, plus I have two young boys and a partner. I also volunteered helping a neighbor with his children after recently losing his wife. However, I had already enrolled into three online classes in order to fulfill the 13 credit requirement for full financial aid. I enrolled into English 101, Statistics and HDEV105. Within the first two days …show more content…
If I pushed through all the current classes, I could have completed all the work but would I do not think I would have felt accomplished with the quality of my work. If I gave up my family time I would be miserable, but I could complete all the work necessary to pass the classes. I could wake up early to get some addition work done but I’m not sure it would help me balance my day any further. I could also tell my neighbor that I could not help, but it was really important to me. I knew it was going to be short term. After losing my husband, when my son was young, I know how important it is to have support.
5. Which choice(s) will I commit to doing?
In this situation, I decided to withdraw from the English class. I want to excel in all my classes and I was struggling with simple writing assignments. I decided I will re-enroll into English next quarter and in the meantime, practice my writing skills. I also spoke with my neighbor about the pressure I was feeling with the responsibilities I had taken on. After discussing it a bit he was able to enroll his younger child into preschool with me helping out on the weekends or when needed.
6. When and how will I evaluate my

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