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Witch Salem


Submitted By KayeSmith
Words 368
Pages 2
Tituba was one of the first women to being accuse of witchcraft in Salem Village , Massachusetts . Tituba was knowledgeable of witchcraft and since the people in that town knew of that, she was accused of the crime. The so-called crime that Tituba committed caused her long-suffering and heartache. However, Tituba was a very strong woman and she made it through her tough times.

Although Tituba had bad experiences, she still found love for her husband. Sold off to a slaveholder Tituba and her newfound husband went to live in Massachusetts with their owner. Tituba was then in a new life style. She was being a female love slave, for her master. It seems as if Tituba was having mixed emotions and feelings even upon her life decisions.

An old woman whom Tituba became very comfortable with adapted Tituba. While staying with the older woman Tituba became very educated about herbs and the healing process. Tituba accuse of using the herbs and healing knowledge in a way to harm and hurt the children within the home. Therefore, the knowledge that Tituba gained turned out to hurt her more than help.

It appeared that since Tituba displayed her knowledge when Minister Samuel Parris

It was very clear that the slave master, Minister Samuel Parris had mixed emotions about Tituba. He was very well a parent that believed everything his daughter said. He turned out to be like every other slave master. He was inconsiderate and showed no sympathy when Tituba needed him most.

Minister Parris appeared to be not such a faithful reverend. He refused to pay for anything for Tituba while she was in jail. However the reverend some how forgot about Tituba and believed his daughter and the people in the community.

Minister Parris used Tituba to be his slave and in actuality, he never really cared anything about her. He tortured her and displayed plenty of wicked ways after this happened. This hatred added to the foundation of boldness for Tituba when she needed to overcome this situation. Tituba was realizing that she had became a slave of trade by a man she thought love her.

However many readings talk about how Tituba was not

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