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X-Rays In The Medical Field

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X-rays: What are they and what can they be used for? Within the medical field, doctors and physician assistants use x-rays to help with their diagnoses. X-rays can be used for many practical purposes both in the medical and industrial industry. They both use x-rays to see within something to get a better understanding of what is going on inside. While both modalities use them in relatively the same way, they have key differences in what they need to accomplish. While the industrial industry uses them for more of keeping their equipment maintained, the medical field uses them for diagnoses and proper treatment. It is true that x-rays, when used improperly, can be harmful to people. However, when used properly by a trained technician, they can …show more content…
CT, also known as computed tomography, has many uses in the medical field today. The CT machine looks like a 7-foot doughnut; it has a center circle that has the width of about 4 feet, which is called the gantry. The CT machine uses x-rays and a receiver to collect the images taken. The CT machine can take multiple 1mm to 10mm slices per rotation. This machine is very useful for getting 3D images of the human body. The CT machine can see, with detail, into the human body so radiologists can diagnose different diseases. Unlike regular x-rays, the CT machine can get very detailed images of different types of body parts, inner organs, and artery and veins all within a single scan (Imaginis, 2017). The CT shoots multiple x-rays through the patient while the spinning around the patient. While in rotation, the CT machine collects the x-rays on the other side of the patient to make a 2D image slice of the part scanned. Once the scan of the patient is done, the images are then stitched together by the technologist to make a super detailed image of the body or body parts scanned. The technologist can then form a 3D image of the bones, organs, veins, and arteries within the …show more content…
(2017). Brief History of CT. Retrieved July 30, 2017, from "X-rays". Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 3 Aug 2017.
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