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Young Earth Creation Model

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Defining the Models:
• Young Earth Creation: Model based on the belief that the God of Abrahamic Religions created all life in six 24-hour days from nothing. This belief/model originates from a literal interpretation of the book of Genesis, in which creation theories were described as having happened 6000 years ago. It is thought to have its original roots in Judaism. This model allows that God created the different kinds of organisms and that there has been variation within their kinds. This model has many explanations and the great flood of Noah is the most well-known explanation of fossil records found.

• Evolution: This is the model that all life on Earth evolved from earlier life by means of mutation and natural selection. It spans the …show more content…
From the time of Charles Darwin’s theories to now several gaps in the fossil record have been filled such as with fossils found that are interpreted to be the intermediate phase between species and even if in some areas there are still gaps, the evidence in possession is enough to base the theory upon. Evolutionists also say that the gaps in the fossil record and the appearance of fossils in time period layers where there are not supposed to be according to evolution is due to the occurrence of natural disasters on Earth such as volcanoes and earthquakes that caused the movement of the earth matter and fossils within rocks and ground to other places and to become mixed up and “misplaced” when analysing the fossil record. Soil erosion is also a key factor to the evolutionists as they believe it to be the reason for the appearance of the unusually placed …show more content…
Whether or not people in society show preference for the creation theory or the evolution theory has had an immense impact on society. Although many people do not realise it, the impact of both models have been both negative and positive.
• Creation Positive Impact: Creationism has impacted people’s lives by saying that if God could make all of this then he can do anything and therefore this strengthened people’s faith in God because they believe God to be the creator of our World. It has also shown some evidence that creationism and science (evolution) can go hand-in-hand in some ways. Creation also promoted the acceptance of societies diversities by saying we all come from the same place and people.

• Creation Negative Impact: Creationism has caused people in society to try and force their beliefs on others. This has caused much upheaval and conflict as they feel if one is not a creationist then one is going against God and society is not accepting of those that do not hold the same views and faith as the

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