Discussion: Unlike large organizations, small organizations have been less active in integrating information technologies into their business operations. For example, some of the larger airliners use online information technologies to allow passengers to make reservation, buy a ticket, reserve a seat, check in, and even print their boarding passes online before they get to the airport. * Using the airlines example mentioned above, propose several possible IT solutions and how they would benefit
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management | |b. |internal control | |c. |organizational governance | |d. |risk assessment | ANS: C 2. A process
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under: 1. Assessment of the performance of CRAs in India in terms of parameters like default and transition data 2. How much information asymmetry is bridged by CRAs 3. How far CRAs assessment helps financial regulation 4. Accountability, corporate governance issues of CRAs 5. Disclosures of methodologies of rating 6. Rating of complex products like structured obligation 7. Uniformity or otherwise in definition and rating nomenclature of CRAs in India 8. Consistency of rating data with accounting data
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Tiranë, 19.02.2014 Abstrakt Kjo ese përmban një vështrim të literaturës mbi bordin e drejtorëve dhe pjesëmarrjen femërore. Në të paraqesim një përmbledhje të pikëpamjeve të ndryshme mbi rolin e bordit të drejtorëve. Gjithashtu ju njohim me dy këndvështrime të kundërta mbi influencën e madhësisë së bordit në performancën e kompanisë. Çështja kryesore, në të cilën jemi fokusuar është debati mbi mungesën e pjesëmarrjes së femrës në borde. Studimet e ndryshme tregojnë rolin e rëndësishëm që
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CONTROL AND AIS (Version 1 – Brief, just for the exam) Overview of Control Concepts * Internal Control - plan of organization and the methods a business uses to safeguard assets, provide accurate and reliable information, promote and improve operational efficiency and encourage adherence to prescribed management procedures. * Management Control - broader than internal control 1. Integral part of management responsibilities. 2. Is designed to reduce errors and irregularities
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Accounting Horizons Vol. 27, No. 2 2013 pp. 301–318 American Accounting Association DOI: 10.2308/acch-50434 Capital Structure, Earnings Management, and Sarbanes-Oxley: Evidence from Canadian and U.S. Firms Kelly E. Carter SYNOPSIS: I examine Sarbanes-Oxley’s (SOX) effect on capital structure. I find that SOX is associated with higher long-term debt ratios, as firms listed in the U.S. raise their long-term debt ratios by 2 to 3 percentage points. This finding is consistent with the
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Information Technology Page 2 of 103 © CMA Ontario, 2011 Information Technology .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1 Foreword ....................................................................................................................... 4 2 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4 3 Section 1 – The Business of IT ..................................
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Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” DIPARTIMENTO DI STUDI PER L’ECONOMIA E L’IMPRESA Corso di laurea triennale in Economia aziendale Tesi di laurea in Economia e gestione delle Banche e delle Imprese di Assicurazione Il Credito alle imprese durante la Crisi Relatore: Prof. Mario Valletta Candidato: Stefano Siccità Anno Accademico 2011/2012 1 Indice 1. Introduzione………………………………………………………………...….3 2. Un semplice modello del mercato creditizio…………………………
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in cui vigeva la maggior libertà di stampa era l’Inghilterra, ma anche in Italia si diffusero diversi giornali tra gli ambienti aristocratici; all’epoca uno dei più famosi era “il Caffè” che veniva stampato a Milano. LA RADIO In tempi più recenti ai
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Academic year 2014-2015 Migration towards Europe and the “welfare magnet”: “Determinants of Turkish Migration to EU-15” Master dissertation Student Kristýna Jedličková Home institution Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze Supervisor prof. Claire Naiditch Submission date September 2015 Acknowledgment I would like to express my sincerest thanks to prof. Claire Naiditch for her guidance, support, patience and valuable recommendations. Declaration of authorship I, Kristýna Jedličková hereby declare
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