Attachment Report

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    Relationship Styles

    me to completely rely on, or live to please anyone else. My brother and I have both been raised in a Christian household by two parents who both have secure attachment styles, and have raised us to hold the same Christian values they have. Although I am confident in knowing I have a secure attachment style, I do have some avoidant attachment style tendencies. While I am an extremely confident person, and have no trouble giving or receiving love, care, and support. I tend to keep matters concerning

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    Childhood Development and Sexual Behavior

    how they form attachments to others. The attachments established in these early years help set the stage for bonding and intimacy down the line. Babies' earliest emotional attachments are formed with their parents through physical contact that expresses their love. Being held and touched, kissed and hugged, snuggled and tickled allows babies to experience comforting, positive physical sensations associated with being loved. The unique type of physical intimacy and emotional attachment between parent

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    Outline and Evaluate Research Into Cross Cultural Variations in Attachment.

    Outline and evaluate research into cross cultural variations in attachment. There are three main experiments that deal with the hypothesis of cross cultural variations in attachment by using the basis of the Strange Situation test. Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988) these two men created a meta-analysis which is where they collect already completed experiments and compare them too each other on a specific topic. This allows researchers to get a better look at overall trends and identify possible

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    Privation is defined as the lack of necessities of life, and in the context of attachment it is referred to as the lack of emotional care, such that no attachments are formed. A case study that represents privation in the form of attachment is one about a 13year old girl called Genie. From an early age she was strapped to a potty in a bare room. Her history was one of isolation, severe neglect and physical restraint, and she was punished if she made any sound. When she was discovered she was described

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    privation Privation is the failure to develop an attachment bond in early childhood. This can result from losing a parent at child birth. Bowlby does not differentiate between deprivation and privation. Hodges and Tizard’s study was conducted as a longitudinal study in order to collect reliable information linking to early experiences to later outcomes for the same individuals. It was also a natural experiment. The independent variable was how the attachment experience varied naturally. The study consisted

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    Observation 1

    Stage One: Conception to 24 months N.A.S is a 23 month old male who weighs approximately 28.5 pounds which, according to the text, would put him above the 50th percentile. He was born at 38 weeks via cesarean section and weighed in at just under 8 pounds. According to the mother, N.A.S was placed in the care of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for the first few hours due to concerns about his pallor at birth. He was subsequently released to the care of his parents and registered within normal

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    Erikson's Transitions Into Adolescence

    WHEN the child moves into adolescence (Stage Five—roughly the ages twelve to eighteen), he encounters, according to traditional psychoanalytic theory, a reawakening of the family-romance problem of SSCBT Supplemental Teaching Handouts Module III - 12 - early childhood. His means of resolving the problem is to seek and find a romantic partner of his own generation. While Erikson does not deny this aspect of adolescence, he points out that there are other problems as well. The adolescent matures

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    Proto-Conversation Between Mother And Baby

    It can create substantial emotional damage for a baby to be consistently ‘mis-attuned’ resulting in the child ceasing to connect. If the mother is attuning to the wrong feelings, it may lead to the child withdrawing, becoming depressed and feeling a distinct lack of worth. As early communicative exchanges between mother and baby are essentially musical, I feel music therapy can therefore play a vital role for when a client has been ‘mis attuned’ during early childhood. The music can be the supporting

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    Summary: Avoidant Insecure Attachment

    Anxious-Avoidant Insecure Attachment: The child shows mixed emotions even if the mother is present or not. The rarely cling to the mother and usually refuse to be held. The child will avoid exploring and will show the similar mixed emotion behavior towards the stranger. children avoid being with mom/caregivers. children don't prefer a caregiver or a stranger. children then learn to avoid seeking help. (possibly abused/neglected children)explores environment freely -upset when caregiver leaves but

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    What Is The Difference Between Secure And Secure Attachment

    words, attachment is the close bond developed between two individuals. I believe attachment is something that can be developed in a short period of time, based off trust and consistency. However, attachment is a bond that throughout time can be strengthened. There are four different types of attachment; secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-anxious/ambivalent, insecure-disorganized. A secure attachment is best for the child’s development. When the child and parent share, a secure attachment bond the

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