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    Narative Report

    Presented to: RHOEL ANTHONY G. TORRES CICT, OJT-1 Coordinator Presented by: Hazel Anne P. Bago Alice L. Cino BSIT 2-O Donna Mae A. Pascual BSIT 2-K TABLE OF CONTENTS * Approval Sheet * Acknowledgement * Dedication I. INTRODUCTION a. Objectives of OJT b. Industrial Linkages & Coordination Office (Philosophy, Mission & Goals) II. The

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    Research Papers

    Epekto ng Paglalaro ng mga Computer Games sa mga Estudyante ng Tarlac State University Electronic and Information Technology Republic of the Philippines Tarlac State University College of Technology School-Year 2013-2014 MACALE,MARK KEVIN M. Ang Talaan ng Nilalaman Kabanata I Ang Suliranin at Kaligiran Nito * Introduksyon * Kahalagahan ng Pag-aaral * Saklaw at limitasyon ng Pag-aaral *Definisyon at Terminolohiya Kabanata II Mga Kaugnay na Pag-aaral at Literaura Kabanata

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    Raymond D. Jambalos BSIT Physical Security measures every organization should take Lock up the server room Even before you lock down the servers, in fact, before you even turn them on for the first time, you should ensure that there are good locks on the server room door. Of course, the best lock in the world does no good if it isn’t used, so you also need policies requiring that those doors be locked any time the room is unoccupied, and the policies should set out who has the key or keycode

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    The Relevance of Sunday Class Offering of Ama Computer Learning Center

    THE RELEVANCE OF SUNDAY CLASS OFFERING OF AMA COMPUTER LEARNING CENTER, BUTUAN CITY ABSTRACT In the context of sustained growth and diversification of students and or employee who wanted to continue studying, civil society is increasingly concerned on how to gratify them. As a result, ACLC offered Sunday Class to accommodate both full time and part time students. The study aimed at examining the different aspects that influence students to enrol at Sunday Class. The study was guided by the following

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    8Data Flow Diagrams Symbols There are some symbols that are used in the drawing of business process diagrams (data flow diagrams). These are now explained, together with the rules that apply to them. Flow diagrams in general are usually designed using simple symbols such as a rectangle, an oval or a circle depicting a processes, data stored or an external entity, and arrows are generally used to depict the data flow from one step to another. A DFD usually comprises of four components. These four

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    1/11/13 MAT Registration Form Feb.-2013 M A T R E G IS T R A T IO N F O R M ( F e b - 2 0 1 3 ) * R e gist ra t ion/F orm No. *624480* C hoice of Te st Ta king * O pt ion * Te st C e nt re C it y Offline (Pa pe r Ba s e d T e s t ) C hoice I. 406-MA DHYA PR A DESH: INDO R E C hoice II. 404-MA DHYA PR A DESH: BHO PA L Per s onal Par t icular s * Na me of C a ndida t e * Da t e of Birt h * Na t iona lit y A ddre ss f or * C ommunica t ion Mr. A MIT KUMA R J ESA NI 14-J un-1992

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    Thesis 2915

    1.0 Introduction A grading system plays a key role in the management system of any school. But, such system does not often relate expectations, outcomes, and performance. As each student desires to achieve a good score for each assignment, exam, project and/or report, the whole process adds heavy workload for professors in order to make their evaluation fair, comprehensive, and accurate. Form the department perspective, these are necessary to avoid disagreement from students and parents. Grades monitoring

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    Practicum Report for Hotel and Restaurant Managmenht

    History of Max’s Restaurant In 1945, after World War II, American Occupation Troops stationed in Quezon City, Philippines, were befriended by Maximo Gimerez, a Stanford-educated teacher. A few came to his nearby house for drink or two, until they insisted that they pay for their drinks. Maximi decided to open a café which serves chicken, steak, and drinks. He was joined by Mercedes, his wife, and Felipa, his sister-in-law. His niece, Ruby, managed the kitchen joined by her husband Claro

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    Computer Networking

    major subjects: protection of information assets; access to information system; hacking legislation and industrial standards. In addition this course will serve as a guideline for students to make their course selections. Course/Year and Section: BSIT

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    Over 100 rounds of applause received by the Republic of the Philippines President Benigno Simeon Aquino III when he delivered his one and a half third State of the Nation Address at the Batasan Pambansa Complex, July 23. The well-applauded forty pages speech of PNoy had undergone a lot of revisions more than seven drafts that entitled, “Report kay Boss”. President Aquino once again faced the country and show the people what has been changed since being elected 2010.The third and the last SONA of

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