Positive law as the ethic of our time. Business Horizons | September 01, 1990 | Fisher, Bruce D. | Copyright Positive Law as the Ethic of Our Time The number of businesspersons, political leaders, TV ministers, sports personalities, educators, and other role models for American society who in recent years have been fined, imprisoned, left private or public office in disgrace, or been denied Olympic medals starlets many. Others not only are alarmed by the rash of apparently unethical conduct
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Christianity- The Largest Religion PREFACE “Universal Online Solutions”, presents a series of short articles on different religions. A Jew might contain more information on the Judaism. Same could be predicted about the followers of other religions. Then why to compose an article on any religion? That is for the two major reasons: First, all people do not have sufficient information on their own faith. It needs a lot of research to know about a religion. Some people manage to spend the required
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KELLER GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Group Class Project Toyota Group II Class: GM 591 Instructor: Gerardo H. Chaljub Executive Summary Toyota Motor Corporation is a multinational corporation headquartered in Japan and is the world's largest automaker. As of 2008, Toyota employs approximately 316,000 people around the world. In 1934, while still a department of Toyota Industries, it created its first product Type A engine and in 1936 its first passenger car the Toyota AA. The company
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Negociando con un HP, sin morir en el intento1 Kit de supervivencia Por: José Ignacio Tobón L. Director de Jose I. Tobon Consultores director@joseitobon.com Objeto El objeto de este documento es presentar algunas ideas acerca de la forma cómo debe abordarse una negociación con un negociador duro y difícil, a quien mencionaremos aquí como el HP. Estas pueden considerarse como algunas ideas que quisiera incluir en la próxima edición de mi libro “Cómo Negociar Con Gente Difícil. El Modelo Ury de Harvard”
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Guido Corbetta e Carlo Salvato RED PASSION: LA STRATEGIA DI ESPANSIONE DEL GRUPPO CAMPARI Copyright Università Bocconi – 2009. A cura di Guido Corbetta e Carlo Salvato. Questo caso costituisce una base per la discussione in aula e non è inteso a illustrare soluzioni efficaci o inefficaci poste in essere da un’azienda. RED PASSION: LA STRATEGIA DI ESPANSIONE DEL GRUPPO CAMPARI La conference call con cui l’11 Novembre 2008 il Gruppo Campari annunciava i risultati dei primi nove mesi dell’anno
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Politica de marketing – principalul avantaj competitiv al COCA COLA COMPANY COCA-COLA este o bautura racoritoare in varsta de peste 100 de ani si care a aparut ca orice altceva decat o bautura racoritoare. Inventata de un farmacist, fost combatant in armata confederatiei, JOHN STYTH PEMBERTON, COCA-COLA a fost introdusa initial ca medicament exotic – ce continea atat cocaina din frunzele de coca, cat si cafeina din fructele de cola. Frunzele de coca erau preferatele
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In Press, Business Ethics Quarterly Getting to the Bottom of “Triple Bottom Line”* by Wayne Norman and Chris MacDonald March 2003 Abstract: In this paper, we examine critically the notion of “Triple Bottom Line” accounting. We begin by asking just what it is that supporters of the Triple Bottom line idea advocate, and attempt to distil specific, assessable claims from the vague, diverse, and sometimes contradictory uses of the Triple Bottom Line rhetoric. We then use these claims as a basis
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realizar alguna actividad que esté en contra de los intereses de la organización. * Honestidad: Actuar con integridad y alineado con los principios y valores institucionales. * Respeto: No ofender a nadie y aceptar el libre derecho de expresar ideas y credos. * Transparencia: Relaciones claras que aseguren mutuo crecimiento. * Trabajo en Equipo:Un grupo humano altamente calificado para cumplir con los objetivos de la organización. SERVICIOS Ofrecemos servicios de consultoría, diseño y planeación
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I The problem Adoption of a common currency in Europe In the 1990's the major European countries decided to have a common currency. They carried out their plan in two steps, first for business transactions in 1999, and then for all citizens, beginning January 1st, 2002. In broad outline, countries set aside the currencies they each were using previously and instead dealt themselves euros. From then on the so-called eurozone had a single currency, a "unique money". In the 2000's Greece and other countries
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Chapter 1 Management and Control Management control is a critical function in organisations. Management control failures can lead to large financial losses, reputation damage and possibly even to organizational failure. Reality shows us (in some examples illustrated on page 3-4) the importance of having good management control systems (MCS). However, adding to much control does not always lead to better control. Some MCS’s in common use often stifle initiative, creativity, and innovation. I.e. in
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