Music System

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    Mobile Media Resource Guide

    The MOBILE MEDIA tours were an initiative of the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) to help build audiences in northern and regional communities of Ontario for independently produced, artist-driven film and video. In 2005, the tour took place over four weekends in April and went to four communities Peterborough, North Bay, Thunder Bay and Sudbury). Each community had a 90-minute screening and a half-day workshop. A promotional poster and program guide, in both official languages, were made available

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    In Pursuit of Music

    Skennion Professor Andreana Binder English 1301 20 July 2011 In Pursuit of Music What is music? defines it as “an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.” Music is all around us each and every day. Whether it be a three note jingle on a television station, or to the tracks you listen to in your car. I believe music is an integral part of our lives and to the human experience. It crosses cultures

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    Music in a Child's Life

    The influences of music in a child's life. Music comes in all shapes and forms. When most people think of music they think of what you hear on the radio but music is all around us. From a young age we have learned what music is, from hearing the sounds of our mothers voice, to hearing pots and pans bang in the kitchen while dinner is being prepared. When I looked up the definition of music it said "The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition

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    Music in History

    Music history, sometimes called historical musicology, is the highly diverse subfield of the broader discipline of musicology that studies the composition, performance, reception, and criticism of music over time. Historical studies of music are for example concerned with a composer's life and works, the developments of styles and genres (such as baroque concertos), the social function of music for a particular group of people (such as music at the court), or the modes of performance at a particular

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    Pierrot Lunaire

    Composer and painter Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) had a huge impact on the atonal movement of music. He pushed for the emancipation of dissonance, wanting to free himself and other composers from all rules of tonality. One of his collections of musical works is Pierrot Lunaire, op. 21 (1912). Pierrot Lunaire contains twenty-one pieces, each written for a set of twenty-one poems by Albert Giraud also titled Pierrot Lunaire. One of the pieces in Schoenberg’s collection, no. 14, is called “Die Kreuze”

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    Music Classification

    Music Composition Music can set the atmosphere for any situation. The key however, is the type of music and its classification. The type of music can be determined by the singer, types of instruments used and of course the rhythm. The classifications for types of music are often not based on the set parameters, though there are definitions for individual styles of music. For example Jazz is the only style of music that is completely American and is often characterized by fast tempos, lots of

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    Popular American Culture

    and through the arts among other things. Americas Culture has a unique mixture of different backgrounds such as, European, African, Asian –which is influenced through the arts, music, dress, entertainment and food. The Pop Cultures that are most prevalent in my life are internet and music: Internet browsing: The internet has become more of a way of life, it’s a means of communication there is the email, myspace, facebook, we don’t take the time to write a letter which

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    classical antiquity, the term designated the education proper to a freeman (Latin: liber, “free”) as oppose to a slave. Martianus Capella1 (5th century AD) defines the seven Liberal Arts as grammar, dialectic, rhetoric and geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, music. In the medieval Western university, the seven liberal WordprType equation here.ocessor | | experienceteacher | | 22+32=Nn | © customize | Arts were: Use mail merge to distribute the document to the address list below: Dear SirMrs. Irene

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    May 4, 2012 COMSKI2- SC1 Outline I. Introduction A. Our life was full of mystery. B. Music is an inspiration to me, my life, and as a rhythm that we can compare in every aspects of our daily life. II. Body A. Music as rhythm. 1. It is a movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements. 2. It is the timing of events in a human scale

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    Threat of Entry The threat of Entry of the performing arts industry in the United States is low. The industry has high barriers to entry. Companies have economies of scale that it requires a large amount of capital to buy the equipment. Existing companies have cost advantages that they have higher reputation in the industry. People tend to choose a high quality performance since the tickets are expensive. On the other hand, high quality performers and performing groups will choose famous performing

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