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12 Angry Men Comparative Analysis

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Similarly, both On The Waterfront and 12 Angry Men create the opposing majority to agree with the differentiating opinion put upon them. The first response in 12 Angry Men from the jurors is initially ‘guilty’ although this prejudice tone shifts greatly when all jurors are seen to be voting ‘not guilty.’ Similarly Juror 7 is seen to be changing his vote in agreement to Juror 8 by proclaiming that “it takes a great deal of courage to stand alone even if you believe in something very strongly” the importance of this is highlighted due to the change in opinion and votes of other jurors in particular juror 7, who also creates a sense of respect towards Juror 8. Juror 8 is the only juror to first withhold the vote of not guiltily. The change in

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Country Report for the Book Manufacture in Morocco

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