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Activity 17: Survey

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Chapter 17, Survey Research
Activity 17.1:
2. No.
4. No.
6. No

Activity 17.2:
Column A Column B
2. Cross-sectional survey h. Major purpose is to describe the characteristics of an invited sample. Researcher collects information from a sample that has been drawn from a predetermined population 4 . Cohort study f. Researcher obtains different samples of a particular population whose members do not change over the course of the study
6. Census I . Researcher collects information from a sample that has been drawn from a predetermined population
8. Personal interview e. Probably the most effective way to enlist the cooperation of the respondents in a survey Chapter 17 For Discussion (p. 419-420)

1. For what kinds of topics might a personal interview be …show more content…
6. Phenomenology
8. Case study

Chapter 18 For Discussion (p. 439-440)

1. What do you see as the greatest strength of qualitative research? The biggest weakness?
Strength is it provides in depth study of limited number of cases. Weakness is that it becomes difficult to make quantitative predictions out of it.

2. Are there any topics or questions that could not be studied using a qualitative approach? If so, give an example. Is there any type of information that qualitative research cannot provide? If so, what might it be? .
Following questions and information cannot be obtained by qualitative approach. For this, we need quantitative one. differences in children's behavior beliefs and attitudes

3. Qualitative researchers are sometimes accused of being too subjective. What do you think a qualitative researcher might say in response to such an accusation?
Qualitative research is designed in a pattern to reveal target audience and range of behavior and perception with reference to specific topics or issues. Because of which it seems that qualitative researchers are too subjective.

4. Qualitative researchers say that "complete" objectivity is impossible. Would you agree? Explain your

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