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Addiction Formation

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Face down on the carpet is a middle aged woman. Syringes lay on the coffee table, and white powder lays in a baggie. A missed call appears on the glowing screen of a cell phone sitting across the room. The illumination from the cell phone reveals the woman’s arms covered in track marks. This woman is one of many that has formed an addiction. Addiction has been around since the beginning of time, but what does it really mean?
People toss around “addiction” and “addicted” to define several compulsive behaviors. Specialists-- such as psychologists and sociologists-- continue revealing new and different forms of addiction. Addiction is the negative, compulsive need for a substance or activity that gives the addict a positive feeling despite adverse …show more content…
If a hobby is becoming an addiction, the person may lie about how they are spending their time. For example, an avid video game player may say they are working when they are playing video games, and a spouse may lie to their significant other about how much money they spent during their all-day shopping trip. This is one indication an addiction is forming (“Is Your Hobby Actually an Addiction”).
Another indication of addiction formation is if the hobby starts provoking extreme, strong reactions. This may include quitting a job to constitute extra time for a certain activity. The person’s activity may also create anxiety or depression when they can’t indulge themselves with the hobby (“Is Your Hobby Actually an Addiction”). A hobby should evoke positive emotions. All of these clues may indicate that a hobby has turned into an addiction. These warning are negative. Only when negative reactions and associations occur with a hobby, is it considered an …show more content…
My mother has been smoking since she was in her early teens, and has attempted quitting numerous times. She has tried multiple methods, but the substance has gripped her mind, making quitting difficult. Every time she attempts to quit she is fine for the first week, and then her mind and body begins craving cigarettes again. She becomes moody when she quits because her body craves the nicotine, so she goes back every time. My aunt, on the other hand, has managed to quit smoking. She began smoking around the same age as my mom, but mentally focused and completely determined to quit, she succeeded, and that is what it takes to end the cycle of

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Door to the Sky

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