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Allowed In Class

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Imagine what it would be like if you were never starving in class because you could eat when you wanted. Reliable sources have proven that allowing students to eat in class helps with the attention span, helps boost their energy, and helps increase their nutrition. Food should be allowed in class

Food should be allowed in class because it helps with the attention span of a student. For instance, Dr. Tanya Altmann, a pediatrician and an American Academy of Pediatrics spokeswoman, stated that there is good research proving that the nutrition of a student has strong effects towards the concentration and learning at school(source). Under those circumstances, food should be allowed in class because if not, it affects the students attention span. …show more content…
In the event that you don't get the nutrition that your mind needs, you could be sitting in class drowsy and tired because you are hungry. In addition, being hungry in class can drive your mind to drift off into space. This will lead to a series of you not paying attention, failing tests, and your grades dropping drastically. Furthermore, when the teacher allows a student to eat in class, they tend to get excited and full of energy because they feel as if they are getting rewarded.The teacher actually just knows that the “food is brain power” and they want the kids to pay attention in class. To elucidate the statement above, the teacher isn’t really “rewarding” the student but making sure they can pay attention without the fuss or excuses of being hungry. To the student, they might feel that if the teacher is letting them eat in class the least they can do is pay attention and focus on their work. So they get energized, pay attention, don't fuss with the teacher and learn something at the same time. It’s a win win that benefits the mind and learning

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