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Impaired Driving Research Paper

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My group and I were assigned the topic of impaired driving for our project. By definition, impaired driving is the use of a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The driver’s ability to operate their vehicle is impaired by the substance, which puts others on the road and near it in danger. Not only is impaired driving dangerous and irresponsible, it is a criminal offense that is punishable by law. Fines for driving under the influence, (or DUI,) can go up to $10,000 in Pennsylvania. Other punishments include license suspension, jail time, and attending mandatory classes about highway safety. Under Act 24, the blood alcohol concentration level of 0.08% is considered illegal when driving. If a driver is pulled over and is found to have a blood alcohol concentration which is 0.08% or above, it is a DUI offense. In Pennsylvania, there are three levels of DUI offenses: “General Impairment, High BAC, and Highest BAC.” (“DUI Legislation”). As the blood alcohol levels increase, so do the repercussions for the crime. In addition, prior DUI offenses affect the penalties of a new offense, increasing their severity. …show more content…
According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, “in 2009, 18% of fatally injured drivers tested positive for at least one drug.” ("Driving While Impaired -- Alcohol And Drugs"). Drugs such as these impact the nervous system, which affect decision making, reaction time, coordination, and vision. These are key elements to the task of driving, which requires quick thinking and the driver’s full attention. Driving while under the influence of drugs, (or DUID) just like a DUI, is a criminal offense. If a driver is found to be impaired by a misused or illegal drug while driving, it is considered a

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