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Analyzing And Evaluating Children's Writing Development

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3. Writing Development

How does children's writing develop? Use Deanna's final writing sample to identify what Deanna has already learnt about writing and ascertain what key learning is essential for her future development.

The development of writing is similar to the process of reading development. In fact, the progress of reading and writing are interrelated and should be taught together as each ability consolidates the other. The process of learning how to write begins with exposure to a wide range of texts and children’s early literacy experiences impact their ability and the rate at which they learn how to write and read. Thus, it is important that children are immersed in literacy rich environments that comprise oral language development and early reading (Morrow, 2012). The …show more content…
Thereafter, children move on to experimenting with drawing and making marks on pape; without any robust understanding of the alphabet, children invent their own ways of writing words and letters (Morrow, 2012). In reference to Deanna’s writing pre-primary term 1, it is evident that she is writing through making letter-like forms and repeating similar letter patterns, and as she moves into term 2, her alphabet awareness grows with knowledge of more letters. As children become aware of the alphabetic nature, they experiment with writing through unconventional ways, particularly using inventing spellings as they are still developing phonemic awareness and understanding phonics. In the process of understanding phoneme-grapheme correspondence, children start to register that their invented spelling is not conventional spelling (Morrow, 2012). Thus, through ample

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