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Animal Testing: Death By Cosmetics

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Animal Testing: Death by Cosmetics

Makeup trends are changing every season, but something that is not changing is the fact that perfectly healthy animals are dying every day. In many parts of the world, animals are having chemicals shoved down their throats, dripped into their eyes, or dropped onto their shaved skin. They are sitting in dark, cold cages just waiting for the day where it becomes banned all across the world as chemicals sink into their skin and damage them for life. Cats and dogs are being taken off the streets and thrown into laboratories where they will undergo numerous tests for our own selfish beauty. Animal testing for cosmetics has been popular for centuries when it comes to determining how harmful a product may be …show more content…
Since 1938, animal testing for cosmetics has been allowed. Congress had passed the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act after many events had spiraled out due to products not being tested before they were sold. Dozens of women went blind in the 1930’s because of a mascara called Lash Lure that had not been tested prior to selling. Scientists studied and later found out that the mascara had contained a dangerous chemical that was meant to burn the skin. Today, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) closely studies the safety of foods, drugs, cosmetics, etc (Animal Researchers 1). They believe that animal testing is accurate when it comes to results and that we as people should want to know if a product is dangerous to use prior to purchasing it. Today, different laboratories perform multiple tests on animals to ensure certain products are safe to …show more content…
There are critical differences when it comes to how our genes function even though we do share genes with other mammals. For example, mice are the most commonly used animal because they are said to be genetically similar to humans, but if you were to place a human gene into a mouse, it is going to react very differently than if it were placed into a human body (Huffington Post 1). Scientists are trying to figure out results for humans, but they are testing on animals. For example, the Draize Eye Irritancy test is only used on rabbits because their eyes are bigger which makes it easier. It’s inaccurate because the rabbit eye does not have tear ducts like humans do, making it impossible for them to naturally flush the chemical away from their eye. Also, the structure of their eyeball is much different. The cornea accounts for 25% of the rabbit's eye, and 7% in humans. Our bodies are so genetically different from animals that the results can’t be completely

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