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Anti Federalists Versus Federalists


Submitted By averie12
Words 324
Pages 2

♥ Supporters of the Constitution that were led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. They firmly believed the national government should be strong. They didn't want the Bill of Rights because they felt citizens' rights were already well protected by the Constitution.

♥ Felt that there should be three independent branches each representing a different aspect of the people, and because they are equal one cannot overpower the other.

♥ The more organized party.

♥ The party that wanted the constitution to be ratified and it was!

♥ Federalist vision of the country supported the belief that a National Government based on the Articles of the Confederation was inadequate to support an ever growing and expanding nation.
♥ Federalists were made up of the wealthy and elite plantation owners and businessmen.
♥ The Federalists believed the articles of confederation which were the first attempt to unite the country into a continental nation had failed
♥ Cons-Anti Federalists

♥ Thought Congress held too much power.

♥ Did not like it that there was no bill of rights.

♥ Opponents of a strong central government who campaigned against the ratification of the Constitution in favor of a confederation of independent states

♥ Believe Executive Branch held too much power.

♥ Did not want the constitution Ratified

♥ Did not get their way.

♥ Anti-Federalists believed the Constitution and formation of a National Government would lead to a monarchy or aristocracy
♥ Anti-Federalists were made up mostly of farmers and tradesman, common people working to support their families.
♥ In an effort to make their argument the Anti-Federalists used rhetoric from the Revolutionary War to stress the merits of state and local government.
♥ The Anti-federalists also characterized a national or central government as a step away from democratic

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