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Appendix H


Submitted By katlinclark
Words 738
Pages 3
Appendix H
Katlin Clark
March 15, 2015

Appendix H
Case Study 1: Schizoid Personality Disorder
Cause: The cause of this disorder is unknown even through, it can be rooted from unsatisfied need for human contact. The parents of people with this disorder are believed to have been unacceptable or abusive to their children. Cognitive theorists think that they suffer from deficiencies in their thinking. So this means that their thoughts tend to be vague and empty and that they have trouble scanning the environment to arrive to an accurate perception.
Treatments: The treatment that can help with this disorder can be therapy. They can help the people with this disorder experience more happy feelings and satisfy social interactions. One of the techniques that they use is making the patient make a list of emotions to think about. They can also have them write them down and remember pleasurable experiences. This is what cognitive therapist have them. While behavioral therapist believe in teaching social skills to the clients, using role playing and homework assignments.

Case Study 2: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Cause: Psychodynamic theorist believe that this disorders cause is cold and rejecting parents. They also have learned that children that have lost their parents or have been abused as a children tend to develop this disorder. Cognitive behavioral theorists believe that they develop this disorder by being treated to positively rather than to negatively early in their lives. Sociocultural theorist believe that it has to deal with the family values and social ideas of certain societies.
Treatments: This disorder is one of the hardest to treat due to the client doesn’t want to acknowledge weakness. The go to therapy to for depression but when they are in therapy they try to manipulate their therapist into supporting their sense of

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