...Job Satisfaction in the Workplace Jonathan Salter Thomas Jefferson University MGMT 304: Management and Organizational Theory in Health Services Organizations Facilitator: Maryann Hughes 2015 Abstract A broad definition of Job Satisfaction is a positive feeling about a job resulting from evaluating its characteristics. Satisfaction often plays a significant role in job performance, overall behavior, customer service and employee turnover. Job Satisfaction also can impact your quality of life and may impact those around you. It is important to understand the effects of job satisfaction on an organization, the satisfaction of its employees will affect many facets of the business. Importance of Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction is defined as a positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. (Robbins, Judge 2009 p.83) An employee should have interest in the particular job they do and should feel engaged with the organization. This will allow the company to keep employees satisfied and will be rewarded with lower turnover rates. While many jobs are repetitive and may become mundane to the employee, a company must find a way to challenge the boredom and seek ways to expand on the employees talents. Allowing an employee to grow and feel challenged is important when striving for job satisfaction. There is however, a balance needed, if an employee is pushed too hard they may feel overwhelmed. In an instance like this, the employee will search...
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...Job Satisfaction Overview: Job Satisfaction is how content an Individual is with his or her Job. It is a positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. Researchers have divided Job satisfaction into 2 sub Categories: Affective Job Satisfaction and Cognitive Job Satisfaction Affective Job Satisfaction: The extent of pleasurable feelings one has about his or her job. Cognitive Job Satisfaction: The extent to which Individuals are satisfied with different facets of the Job like pay, promotion opportunities, working hours, pension, The quality of relationships with co-workers etc. It is always not easy to measure Job Satisfaction as different people have different definitions and perceptions. An individual’s performance can be impacted if he or she is satisfied with the job or not but some studies have shown that some high performing employees are not satisfied with their job. If management is concerned about Job satisfaction of their Employees, Then it should conduct various surveys to find out the satisfaction level of their Employees and would consider seeking advise from their Employees on how to increase their overall level of Job Satisfaction. According to an Article published in Economic Times, 60 % of the people think that less job satisfaction is their primary reason of Unethical behavior at work second only to the lack of personal integrity. 91% said workers who enjoy a good work-life balance are more likely to behave ethically...
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...and no sleep: does this sound like a satisfying job? Q1: Do you think that only certain individuals are attracted to these types of jobs, or is it the characteristics of the jobs themselves that are satisfying? Answer: These types of jobs are considered difficult, stressful and time consuming and make an employee very busy all the time that he even scarifies his personal life and activities. Few people who prefer their professional life over personal or are very workaholic like to do such types of jobs. Usually such people are conscious of titles and high status and enjoy taking such challenges in work places. Q2: What characteristics of these jobs might contribute to increased levels of job satisfaction? Answer: High profile people like to be dominant and control the situation rather being controlled by the situation and always remain in high energy. Job satisfaction can be achieved by being independent, remain positive, being significant, challenge oriented, skilled and being responsible. From the given case study it is analyzed that: John bishop development scope, pay and being independent Irene independency, serious and inspiring characteristics Tiny kruz high profile, high salary and travels to exotic site David clark travelling experience, promoting channel and big salary Q3: Given that the four individuals discussed above tend to be satisfied with their jobs, how might this satisfaction relate to their job performance, citizenship behavior and turnover...
Words: 2261 - Pages: 10
...Abstract Human Resource Management is getting more important in the business nowadays, because people and their knowledge are the most important aspects affecting the productivity of the company. One of the main aspects of Human Resource Management is the measurement of employee satisfaction. Companies have to make sure that employee satisfaction is high among the workers, which is a precondition for increasing productivity, responsiveness, quality, and customer service. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the level of employee satisfaction and work motivation in Supermarket Prisma in Mikkeli. It also deals with the effect the culture has on employee satisfaction. The theoretical framework of this thesis includes such concepts as leadership, job satisfaction, motivation, rewards and cultural differences. The empirical part of the thesis and the questionnaire were created according to the mentioned concepts. The questionnaire also included parts where the questions about expectations of the employee, work environment and job organization were asked. Based on the research it can be said that the level of employee satisfaction in Prisma Mikkeli is high, although there is still a room for improvements. One of the biggest strength of the organization is the relationship and communication between the employees and the managers. The biggest improvement is needed in the field of the financial rewards, because most of the employees are not showing high...
Words: 27414 - Pages: 110
...Need Hierarchy Theory for Job Satisfaction One of the most widely mentioned theories of motivation is the hierarchy of needs theory put forth by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow saw human needs in the form of a hierarchy, ascending from the lowest to the highest, and he concluded that when one set of needs is satisfied, this kind of need ceases to be a motivator. As per his theory these needs are: • Physiological needs These are important needs for sustaining the human life. Food, water, warmth, shelter, sleep, medicine and education are the basic physiological needs which fall in the primary list of need satisfaction. Maslow was of an opinion that until these needs were satisfied to a degree to maintain life, no other motivating factors can work. • Security or Safety needs These are the needs to be free of physical danger and of the fear of losing a job, property, food or shelter. It also includes protection against any emotional harm. • Social needs Since people are social beings, they need to belong and be accepted by others. People try to satisfy their need for affection, acceptance and friendship. • Esteem needs According to Maslow, once people begin to satisfy their need to belong, they tend to want to be held in esteem both by themselves and by others. This kind of need produces such satisfaction as power, prestige status and self-confidence. It includes both internal esteem factors like self-respect, autonomy and achievements and external esteem factors...
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...A STUDY OF HOW LEADERSHIP STYLE AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE INFLUENCE EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION (A CASE STUDY AT PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN TERENGGANU) LECTURER PROF. MADYA NORUDIN MANSOR TEAM MEMBERS MOHD FAIZAL JAAFAR 2011392489 WAN RAMLA WAN NAWANG 2011343575 NORAINI BINTI AMMRAN 2011952075 NAZREEN BEGUM NAJIBULLAH KHAN 2011545767 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” Assalamualaikum W.B First of all, we would like to put our hands together to thank our lecturer Prof. Madya Norudin Mansor for his continuous support and guidance in preparing this project. The purpose of this project is to apply organizational behavior elements in the real world by conducting a survey at one of the higher institution learning organization. Besides, we also would like to thank to En Hamdan who has help us to install the SPSS software which we used as tool for data analysis. We also would like to thank to the Private Higher Educational Institutions in Terengganu for giving us the opportunity to conduct the survey. Lastly, special thank to our team members of EMBA for their support. TABLE OF CONTENT NO | TITLE | PAGE NUMBER | 1. | CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION | | 2. | CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW | | 3. | CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY | | 4. | CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS | | 5. | CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION | | 6. | CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATION | | 7. | REFERENCES...
Words: 13433 - Pages: 54
...Abstract Human Resource Management is getting more important in the business nowadays, because people and their knowledge are the most important aspects affecting the productivity of the company. One of the main aspects of Human Resource Management is the measurement of employee satisfaction. Companies have to make sure that employee satisfaction is high among the workers, which is a precondition for increasing productivity, responsiveness, quality, and customer service. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the level of employee satisfaction and work motivation in Supermarket Prisma in Mikkeli. It also deals with the effect the culture has on employee satisfaction. The theoretical framework of this thesis includes such concepts as leadership, job satisfaction, motivation, rewards and cultural differences. The empirical part of the thesis and the questionnaire were created according to the mentioned concepts. The questionnaire also included parts where the questions about expectations of the employee, work environment and job organization were asked. Based on the research it can be said that the level of employee satisfaction in Prisma Mikkeli is high, although there is still a room for improvements. One of the biggest strength of the organization is the relationship and communication between the employees and the managers. The biggest improvement is needed in the field of the financial rewards, because most of the employees are not showing high...
Words: 27414 - Pages: 110
...On “Job Satisfaction with reference to Compensation” “A Study of Nationalized and Private Bank” Submitted for the Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Post Graduation Diploma in Management in Human Resource Department Submitted To: Prof. Amit Tiwari HRM Faculty, IPER Submitted By: Pooja Tekwani Trim 2, 2012-2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My liabilities are too copious to enumerate, but the most worthy after ought to undoubtedly be declared. I profoundly spread my gratitude to Dr Suchi , my research escort for her insightful and helping ways across this particular research and all those learned suggestions. I additionally thank all the teachers of Amity, who have gave a lot to my research work. Lastly, I express my thankfulness and spread my appreciation for all those subjects who participated in my whole research to discover and I express my heartfelt cheers to the congregation of passion for upholding me in all ways. Sonia Harchandani Date: - MBA. 2014-2015 Semester 2 PREFACE This project report is related to the “Job Satisfaction w.r.f to Compensation”, “A Study of Nationalized and Private Bank”. It contains the information regarding the satisfaction level of employees of...
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...through the reinforcement process by parents, teachers, and representatives of religions. Generational Differences in Values * Generations are: 1. Traditionalists 2. Baby boomers 3. Generation X 4. Generation Y * Categorized by different ages, but also distinguished by growing up under different socialization experiences; which in result could cause different values. * Such values differences might underlie the differential workplaces assets and preferences of leadership style. * Some indication that Gen X and Y are more inclined to value money, status, and rapid career growth than are boomers. * Also evidence that Gen X and Y, compared to boomers, see work as less central, value leisure more, and are more inclined toward work-life balance. * Research conducted by the Center of Creative leadership concluded that all work generations share the same values but express them differently. * Organizations may have to tailor jobs designs, leadership styles, and benefits to the generational mix of their workforces. Cultural Difference in Values Work Centrality * Work itself is...
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...Section A Reinforcement Schedule Reinforcement schedule is the determination of when reinforcers are applied. It is either after every response or only after some responses. These apply to the two general categories of schedule, continuous reinforcement or intermittent reinforcement. Continuous Reinforcement is the reinforcement of desired behaviour every time the undesired behaviour is demonstrated. It is the simplest schedule. For example, whenever the worker is late, he/she will get a 1% deduction of pay. Intermittent Reinforcement is the reinforcement of desired behaviour when undesirable behaviours are demonstrated after a stipulated number of responses or timeframe set by reinforcer but not at every instance. There are four types of intermittent reinforcement: Fixed Interval reinforcement is received after a set amount of time, regardless of number of responses during that time. For example, a worker gets its pay every last Friday of the month. Fixed ratio interval is reinforcement occurs after a set number of responses, predictable. For example, whenever a worker makes 3 sales, he gets 20% commission. Variable interval is reinforcing someone after a variable amount of time is the final schedule. For example, A boss do not do check on the worker periodically, hence the worker does not know when the next ‘check-up’ might come, he have to be working hard at all times in order to be ready. Variable ratio interval is reinforcement based on number of responses; however...
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...only certain individuals are attracted to these types of jobs, or is it the characteristics of the job themselves that are satisfying ? Their different jobs include long hours of working (more than the norm), and travel often difficult to have unable a family life. This is the case of Tony Kurtz . Most of the people hope to have a job that allows them to do some activities after work, to have a life outside the company. It is difficult to accept the conditions of work of the four managers. But few people accept to work like four managers. They accept because they like them work or working is a need for them. So these are the only individuals who would be attracted to those jobs with such terms. Despite the extreme nature of the jobs that can’t satisfy lot of workers, despite the high compensation and pay, these four managers’ jobs would be appreciated by people who think that jobs and their constraints are challenges. They accept challenges. Irene, John, Tony, and David show that they are motivate despite the conditions imposed by their work .they are satisfy by them work too. This satisfaction justifies their implication in the organization and also that they accept the conditions as a positive challenge. It is motivation and satisfaction that permits to work despite work pressure. 2 –what characteristics of these jobs might contribute to increase level of job satisfaction? Irene, John, Tony, and David have stable jobs because they are top managers. They are even envied for that...
Words: 2225 - Pages: 9
...drinks, coffee beans, salads, hot and cold sandwiches and Panini, pastries, snacks, and items such as mugs and tumblers. Through the Starbucks Entertainment division and Hear Music brand, the company also markets books, music, and film. Many of the companys products are seasonal or specific to the locality of the store. Starbucks-brand ice cream and coffee are also offered at grocery stores. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/business/companies/starbucks_corporation/index.html Starbucks was founded in 1971 where the first store opened in Seattle, Washington. Part of their mission is to positively contribute back to the community and environment. Many of the employees who work at Starbucks take this mission personally and they volunteer throughout the communities in which they work. Part of the Starbucks training encourages employees to go out and do volunteer work in their community. Starbucks also has each store pick a charity in which they donate pastries and coffee to each month. They work with quite a few charitable organizations and are a huge part of the communities that they are in. Starbucks was brought into the market to offer the Coffee drinker a new and pleasant experience. Since Starbucks came into the market coffee became friendship, comfort, quality beverage, and a moment of pleasure. The different strategies that they used in order to make the customer feel...
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...Job satisfaction is a complex concept, which can mean different things to different people, and is difficult to measure objectively. Set out clearly your own explanation of job satisfaction, what you see as the main dimensions of job satisfaction and how you believe it can best be measured. Chapter 1 1. Introduction 1. What is job satisfaction Job satisfaction is how people react towards their job. If their current job meets their expectations and needs, it will satisfy them. If not, their work quality will be decrease. Job satisfaction is a very important issue that every organization frequently measured to make sure all of them employees satisfied with their job to maintain or increase their work quality. Job satisfaction is related with motivation. If employees have high satisfaction towards the job, they will be motivated to continue working. 2. Factors influence There are many factors that can influence employees’ satisfaction towards their job. In Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, all the factors are classified in two categories, the motivators factors and the hygiene factors. 1. The hygiene factors Include pay, status, job security, working conditions, fringe benefits, policies and procedures, and interpersonal relations. Pay is what the organization pay to the employees for their job. The employees will be satisfied with their job if the pay is suitable with the job. Status is the rank where the employees are in. Employees...
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...shown by his loyalty and commitment towards the organization. Job satisfaction is about the feeling of the nature of the job. Employee Satisfaction is very important in an organization because it is what productivity depends on. An organization with more satisfied employees tends to be more effective (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Another major impact that job satisfaction can have is worker’s commitment to the organization and its culture. Customer satisfaction can be defined as how a customer is happy or agrees to purchase the product and services again, shown by his loyalty and commitment towards the product and services offered by the organization. Customer satisfaction is a mental state which results from the customer’s comparison of a) expectations prior to a purchase with b) performance perceptions after a purchase. It has been argued that behavior of satisfied employees plays an important role in shaping customers' perceptions of business interactions (Spiro and Weitz, 1990). This phenomenon may occur as satisfied employees are more apt to be friendly, enthusiastic, attentive, and empathetic toward customers (Beatty et al., 1996; Rafaeli, 1993). According to the concept of partner effects, a person is in some way, verbally or nonverbally, influenced by the characteristics and behaviors displayed by his or her counterpart (Dolen et al., 2002). Additionally, the contagion effect explains how satisfied employees influence others around them to feel good (Hatfield et al.,...
Words: 595 - Pages: 3
...Human Resource Management Management in business pursuits and organizations can be defined as the process of coordinating people and processes in order to accomplish specific goals and objectives. Business management specifically includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing operations, and resourcing. Resourcing, furthermore, requires the strategic use of human, financial, technological, and natural resources in accomplishing the goals of a business entity. Because business can be usefully viewed as “systems”, business management can be seen as human action designed to facilitate useful outcomes from the system. This view allow for the opportunity to “manage” oneself, an important factor to consider before managing operations and employees. Human resources management is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. It is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. Human Resources management is the strategic approaches to the management of an organization’s most valuable asset—the people who work for that organization and who, individually and collectively, contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. Simply put, human resources management means employing...
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