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Arguments Against Genetic Information

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I. The idea of genetic information being open to the public has been a contentious topic because of the part of the public who see it as unfair and prejudiced. Despite this controversy, genetic information should be public to employers. One may argue that revealing genetic information may cause a company to be biased, but more than likely they are already biased. Several studies have shown that factors such as appearance, sex and race can play a part in whether or not you receive a job. All of these things, similar to genetics, are innate. Denying genetic information to employers due to a fear of partiality is redundant when taking into fact that prejudice is already apparent. In fact, learning about an employee’s genetics can help a company in accommodating them. For example, if it is discovered that a worker does not have favorable genes for leadership skills, it can be combated by placing them in courses to improve those skills. However, information on genes should not be used to accept or deny a person of a job due to a possibility of disease. Unlike when it is used to improve a work environment, here it is simply a …show more content…
Oftentimes animals who are modified do not survive the process- meaning men are dictating whether they live or die. Additionally, modifications such as turning living animals into ‘factories’, do nothing to benefit the affected creatures. Rather it is derived from the egocentric nature of humans. Similarly, using them as weaponry is just as selfish and immoral. The use of engineering to provide healthier, faster-growing animals has more risks than benefits and can be sustained with an alternative. For example, the transfer of material between species can cause health issues. The altered animals may transfer diseases to natural animals or even humans. A safer alternative and one that is already being conducted is selective

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