...Unit one: Principles of personal responsibilities and working in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. • The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk • Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly • When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference • Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 15 pages and is made up of 7 Sections. Name: Section 1: Rights and responsibilities at work This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1: Know the employment rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer |Learning objective |Place in Assessment | |1.1 Identify the main points of contracts of employment |Question 1 Page 1 | |1.2 Identify the main points of legislation affecting employers and employees |Question 2 Page 2 | |1.3 Identify where to find information on employment rights and responsibilities both |Question 3 Page 3 | |internally...
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...as and a-level business Get help and support Visit our website for information, guidance, support and resources at aqa.org.uk/7132 You can talk directly to the Business subject team E: business-studies@aqa.org.uk T: 01483 477 863 AS (7131) A-level (7132) Specifications For teaching from September 2015 onwards For AS exams in May/June 2016 onwards For A-level exams in May/June 2017 onwards Version 1.0 19 August 2014 aqa.org.uk G00395 Copyright © 2014 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. AQA retains the copyright on all its publications, including the specifications. However, schools and colleges registered with AQA are permitted to copy material from these specifications for their own internal use. AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. AS Business (7131) and A-level Business (7132). AS exams May/June 2016 onwards. A-level exams May/June 2017 onwards. Version 1.0 Contents 1 Introduction 5 1.1 Why choose AQA for AS and A-level Business 1.2 Support and resources to help you teach 2 Specification at a glance 2.1 Subject content 2.2 AS 2.3 A-level 5 6 8 8 8 9 3 Subject content 10 Strategic decision making (A-level only) 3.1 What is business? 3.2 Managers, leadership and decision making 3.3 Decision making...
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...TOPIC 1 – INTRODUCTION TO MALAYSIAN TAXATION SYSTEM TOPIC 2 – INDIRECT TAXES TOPIC 3 – INDIVIDUAL RESIDENCE STATUS TOPIC 4 – EMPLOYMENT INCOME TOPIC 5 – UNEARNED INCOME TOPIC 6 – PERSONAL RELIEF & REBATE TOPIC 7 – NON-RESIDENT RELIEF TOPIC 8 – BUSINESS INCOME TOPIC 9 – CAPITAL ALLOWANCE TOPIC 10 – PARTNERSHIP TOPIC 11 – INCOME TAX ADMINISTRATION TOPIC OUTLINE: 11.1 Objective of Tax Administration 11.2 Tax Compliance – Voluntary Compliance 11.3 Tax Administration 11.4 Tax Audit 11.5 Authority & Responsibility of Director General of Inland Revenue (DGIR) 11.6 Taxpayers & Employers Responsibilities 11.7 Tax Compliance & Ethical Issues KAT 2013 / 062 (SALIZA ABDUL AZIZ, ASA) OBJECTIVES OF STUDY: To introduce income tax administration and identifying the level of compliance degree To determine the division of income tax administration in respect of return form, assessment, appeal and collection To understand of audit system on taxation KAT 2013 / 062 (SALIZA ABDUL AZIZ, ASA) 11.1 Objective of Tax Administration 11.2 Tax Compliance – Voluntary Compliance Taxpayers will prepare and file the return form to declare the actual income received. The form will be submitted within certain period. Tax payment will be made immediately. Employers will be acquired to hold or deduct the tax from the employees income and remit to the IRB (the schedular tax deduction – PCB). The main objective of income tax administration is to achieve the maximum degree of compliance to the...
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...INCOME TAX ADMINISTRATION AND PERFORMANCE OF SMALL SCALE ENTERPRISES IN UGANDA ACASE STUDY OF GULU MUNICIPALITY BY HENRY EGYEYU ABSTRACT The research study was aimed at establishing effect of Income Tax Administration on the performance of small Scale Enterprises. Using Gulu Municipality as a case, in all Small Scale Businesses which were selected were analyzed and supplementary data was got from the respondents. The objectives of the study were to examine the Income Tax Administration, to examine the Performance of SSEs in terms of Growth, Profitability, and Survival, to find out the relationship between income tax administration and the performance of SSEs. In the methodology the researcher used research design, study population, sampling procedures which included sample design and also sample size, the data sources like primary data, secondary data, data collection methods and other methods of collecting data. Presentation, interpretation, and the discussions of the findings basing on the responses from the respondents of the questions and the findings were tax payers don’t get tax education, make little profits from their business among others Summary, conclusions, recommendations of the findings of the research analysis the findings of the study and draws summary of the main findings of the study and finally the research draws and gives recommendation and further research. CHAPTER ONE ...
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...Plan and implement administration system Submission details |Candidate’s Name | |Phone No. | | |Assessor’s Name | |Phone No. | | |Assessment Site | | |Assessment Date/s | |Time/s | | The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details. Performance objective In this assessment task you will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to plan or review administration systems and implement new or modified administration systems. Assessment description Within a real or simulated business context, you will plan a new administration system or review an existing system. You will need to: ● consult with users or stakeholders to develop a detailed specification for the new or revised system, which must meet both organisational needs and external requirements such as codes of practice or legislation ● follow organisational procurement policies to select an appropriate developer or supplier ●...
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... Table of Contents Introduction 3 Task 1 3 Assessment criteria 1.1 3 Assessment criteria 1.2 4 Assessment criteria 1.3 4 Assessment criteria 1.4 6 Assessment criteria 1.4 7 Section 2 8 Assessment criteria 2.1 8 Assessment criteria 2.2 8 Assessment criteria 2.3 10 Section 3 11 Assessment criteria 3.1 11 Assessment criteria 3.2 13 Assessment criteria 3.4 15 Zero-based budgeting 16 Top-down budgeting 16 Bottom-up budgeting 16 Activity-Based Budgeting 16 Section 4 18 Assessment criteria 4.1 18 Assessment criteria 4.2 21 Conclusion 22 Bibliography 23 Introduction Financial management is the efficient as well as effective management of the funds in a motive of accomplishing the goals and the objectives an organization. It comprises of how to rise capital and how to allocate for instance through budgeting. This does not only cater for the long term budget but also the allocation of funds in the short term. In our discussion we are going to focus on various issues such the various methods used in costing, the budgeting formation and formation process, and the different types of budgeting. The attainment of coordination will also be factored since it is key to the success of a business. Task 1 Assessment criteria 1.1 a. Identify and explain the various ways by which cost can be classified discussion the value of costs classification including any weaknesses in your argument In the world of business there are a range of costing methods are actually...
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... | |INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA | |COURSE OUTLINE | | | |Kulliyyah / Institute |Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences | |Department / Centre |Department of Business Administration | |Programme |Bachelor of Business Administration | |Name of Course / Mode |Strategic Management | |Course Code | | | |MGT 4760 | |Name (s) of Academic staff / | | |Instructor(s) ...
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...Training Package | BSB07 - Business Services Training Package | Course Name: | BSB40507 Certificate IV in Business Administration | Unit Name: | BSBHRM405A Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff (2015) | Student Number | | Student Name | Johanna Maria Gil Beleno | Current Address | 105 Crown St, Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW, 2010 | Email | johana_gb@hotmail.es | Assessor Name: | | Result | Individual Assessments result | Assessment 1 | S NS | Final Result | C | | | Assessment 2 | S NS | | | | | Assessment 3 | S NS | | NC | Assessor Signature | | Date | | Feedback to Student | | I have received the Assessment Feedback on _________________________(Date) | Students Signature | | Assessor Signature | | Date | | Result to Wisenet by: | | Date | | Assessment Task 1: Human resources lifecycle test Submission details Student’s Name | | Assessor’s Name | | Performance objective Students will be able to identify the key phases of the ‘human resources lifecycle’, and the place of recruitment and selection in that process. Assessment description For this Assessment Task, you are required to complete the questions below that have been provided by the assessor. Procedure 1. Complete the written test. Specifications Assessors will be looking for a minimum of three HR activities for each of the five stages of the lifecycle. You are required to complete a written questionnaire, demonstrating...
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...Master of Business Administration (MBA) ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET Program Module Number Assessment Assignment Title Lecturer Student Name Date Handed Over Date Submitted Assessor’s Feedback 07th November, 2010 Due Date Pass/ ReSubmission Student Number 06th February, 2011 Master of Business Administration MBA 400 Module Title UWIC MBA BATCH - 03 Semester - 01 People & Organizations Assignment 03 - Individual - Essay Importance of organisational behaviour in today's context Final Grade Assessor’s Name Assessor’s Signature A 70+ B 60-69 C 50-59 D 40-49 E 35-39 F -35% Date Assessed : Student Signature & Comments International College of Business and Technology Master of Business Administration (MBA) Assignment Brief Learning outcomes Students should be able to critically assess - Organizational behavior - Management of change (50 Marks) Brief Making reference to appropriate literature and organizational life, critically evaluate the three or four key areas of organizational behaviour, Leadership, Group Behavior, Training & Development, Change Management Marking Scheme Introduction and identifying the importance 30% Literature revive 25% Elaborating on the above Organisational Behaviours and stating the relevance in today’s context 40% Reference and bibliography 5% REPORT STRUCTURE Paper Size Words Printing Margins Binding Margin Header and Footer Printing Basic Font Size Line Spacing Font Style Presentation : A4 : 2500...
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...1995, the King County Community Homelessness Advisory Committee articulated particular strategies to address the homelessness concerns which were (1) creation of a regional homeless services network, (2) Proactive homelessness prevention, (3) client follow-up and continued support for transition into permanent housing, and (4) direct resources to assistant clients of underserved populations such as single men, and homeless families. These strategies were collective collaboration from the King County Community Homelessness Advisory Committee work to address the ongoing concerns with the homeless population within the county. The need to improve the homeless problem was great, and lead to collaborative and collective agreements with local and state officials to resolve the on-going problem. Analyze the Pre-Implementation and Design Strategies of Mayor Schell and interpret four (4) practical outcomes of his choices. Answer “On June 2nd, 1998, Mayor Paul Schell spoke to the press about the needs of homeless families, women and children. He asked for the City Council’s support in providing “immediate emergency assistance to homeless families and single women, a critical step in providing lasting housing solutions for these families and individuals” (The Electronic Hallway, 2012). The pre-implementation and design strategies were (1) 5,500 people homeless in Seattle-King County any given night, (2) 1,300 are on the street, (3) 4,200 are a combination of temporary housing and...
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...1. Assessment Exemplar Assessment Tasks The table below summarises how each assessment exemplar task relates to coverage of the Outcomes detailed in the Unit specification. It also indicates the evidence, which should be retained for external moderation. |Outcome |Suggested task |Suggested evidence to be retained | |. | | | |1. |Each candidate should write a report that|A written report that can be used by Charles Prospect to| | |can be used by Charles Prospect to |give the required presentation to the client | | |deliver his presentation to Bean & Co. |It should clearly describe the personality of a company | | |The report will be assessed for the |separate from its owners and board | | |demonstrated knowledge of the legal |It should also describe the process by which a company | | |formation of a company, forms of |can be formed and registered | | |corporate body and procedures for company|The different forms of corporate body that can be formed| | |formation. Case Study 1 provides |should be clearly described | | |background information for this...
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...AIPE ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET Please ensure this form is fully completed (including signature) prior to submitting. This page should be on the front of your assignment and needs to be easily accessible. Student ID Number: | 15015810/14000793 | Class Batch: | B07 | Student Name: | Tiansun Li/Alejandro Herrera | Unit code & Title | BSBADM504B Olan or review administrative systems | Course: | BSB50207 Diploma of Business | Due Date: | 27/22/2015 | Module: | BS07 Business Administration Systems | Trainer’s name: | Abdullah | Assessment Task Title: | Role-play | Assessment Part No: | Assessment part 2 | PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is the act of representing as one’s own original work the creative works of another, without appropriate acknowledgement of the author or source. COLLUSION Collusion is the presentation by a student of an assignment as his or her own which is in fact the result in whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more students in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and as such both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Plagiarism and collusion constitute cheating. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who engage in plagiarism and collusion as outlined in the school’s policies. See ‘Student Discipline/Misconduct Policy’ and ‘Assessment Policy' Assignments must be typed using document software such as MS Word; no handwritten...
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...COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND COMPUTER STUDIES IN CAPITOL UNIVERSITY FOR S.Y 2010-2015 A RESEARCH Presented to the Graduate Faculty of Doctor of Management Capitol University Cagayan de Oro City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF MANAGEMENT By RENZ P. AGUHOB LOUELLA YAP BUOT KERWIN SALVADOR P. CARAGOS CJ RANIDO March 2016 APPROVAL SHEET This research, entitled “A Tracer Study on the Employment Status for the College of Business Administration and Computer Studies in Capitol University for S.Y. 2010-2015” by Renz P. Aguhob, Louella Yap Buot, Kerwin Salvador P. Caragos and Cyril Jane Ranido in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Management, has been examined and recommended for Oral Examination. JOEL D. POTANE, Ph.D. Adviser ------------------------------------------------- Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Doctor of Management, by the Oral Examination Committee. _________________________________ Chairman ____________________________ ____________________________ Member Member Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Management. Edwin C. Du, Ph.D Dean, Graduate School CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM Introduction The emergence of globalization has made the world a smaller village through breaking down the borders between countries. This phenomenon brought about the mobility of students, workers and business across...
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...Lab #6 – Business Recovery Strategy Assessment Spreadsheet e-Commerce/e-Business Organization List of Key Business Functions & Processes - E-commerce processes – primary revenue source for the organization -E-mail based communications – internal for business communications and external for customer service -Telephone call center and on-line customer services – enhanced e-customer service delivery with call center and self-service customer website -Manufacturing and production line – just in time inventory and distribution of products -Production processes – just in time manufacturing and integrated supply chain -Quality control mechanisms – maximize product quality -Maintenance and support services – keep production lines open -Sales and sales administration – inside sales, online sales, sales support, resellers and distributors, etc. -Finance and accounting – G/L, A/R, A/P, Payroll, Benefits -Research and development activities – product development -Human resources management – employee services -Information technology services & Internet connectivity – supports e-commerce and e-business infrastructure -Premises (Head Office and branches) – headquarters facility and administration office -Marketing and public relations – internet marketing and branding Lab #6 – Business Recovery Strategy Assessment Spreadsheet e-Commerce/e-Business Organization List of Impacted IT Systems, Applications, & Data Business Function...
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...Date:- Table of content Assignment 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………...3 1.1 An explanation of risk management……………………………............................3 1.2 how risk management affects different business functions………………………3 1.3 evaluation of methods of assessing risk in business……………………………...4 2.1 evaluation of approaches to managing risk in business…………………………4 Assignment 2 Risk assessment………………………………………………………5 3.1 All the main drivers of business risk…………………………..6 3.2 Impact of the different types of risk…………………………….7 3.3 of severity and likelihood of risk…………………………...8 3.4Suggested risk management strategies…………………………………9 4.1 Approaches to crisis management…………………………………………10 . 4.2 Impact of breaks in business continuity…………………………………………10 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………11 References………………………………………………………………………….12 Risk Management Introduction: Risk management is an important concept mainly aims at identification, assessment, and prioritization of events that may have an adverse impact on the organization. It can be considered as a very powerful strategic tool and has become more prevalent in recent decades due to rapid growth in industrial sector. 1.1 An explanation of risk management Risk management may be the process of identifying, quantifying, and managing the risks makes fish an organization faces. As the final results of business activities are doubtful, they are said to involve some...
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