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Australian Zoo Research Paper

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Hi, I’m Terri Irwin and I’m the owner of Australia Zoo. A zoo that conserves animals so they have a greater chance of survival while educating people about the animals we keep. Although there are many successful zoos in Australia, such as Taronga zoo, Lone pine Sanctuary and Melbourne Zoo, but none of them compare to Australia Zoo. Why? Mainly because I don’t run them. No seriously, the zoo’s large enclosures, our level of interaction with our animals and our approach to educate children makes Australia Zoo truly unique. Besides, I don’t have competition… I’m Terrie Irwin.

I was born on July 20, 1964, in Eugene, Oregon. At age 22, I established and owned a wildlife rehabilitation facility called Cougar Country. In 1991, I went on a tour …show more content…
I mean without we’d just be Alma Park Zoo, and I’m not going to let that happen. At Australia Zoo there is a whole marketing term and each member specializes in a different area, so we can really get our name out there and let everyone know upcoming events, and ultimately so I can make more money. We have used various platforms to promote our zoo, such as websites, social media, campaigns, television and radio ads, print media, billboards and partner sponsorships, such as with RACQ. Some other strategies we’ve used are iconic slogans like “Crickey” and “as wild as life gets”, we have an easily recognisable logo and we also have utilised our famous colours, green and khaki in many campaigns. These strategies have helped build an instantly recognisable image that will stick in the mind of costumers. Social media has become a huge part of marketing as well as it appeals to a much younger demographic group. On these social media platforms we run competitions, events, activities and we promote our brand new attractions. The marketing of the Australia Zoo brand has changed over the years. Consumers will turn away if it is the same thing is used over and over again, so at Australia Zoo we like to keep things new and fresh. We are always working to put out new attractions, and of course promoting the living daylight out of it on about every platform possible. One thing that has changed was with Steve’s tragic loss, we shifted the zoo’s

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