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Being A Hard Worker Research Paper

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Being a teacher is not just a job or profession but a vocation. I have always dreamed of being able to impact the lives of children in the greatest way possible. I hope to impact a diverse group of students, including special needs children. Being an extraordinary teacher requires many qualities such as hard work, dedication, and patience. I possess all these qualities and more, which makes me the best candidate for this program. Being a hard worker is a quality all teachers should possess and is something that has been instilled in me. Throughout my life experiences, I have learned that working hard will bring success no matter if it is school, sports, or even working fast food. Working in different environments ranging from Chick-fil-a to the History department of UNA has taught me professionalism. Remaining professional through any situation takes hard work. Through hard work, I went from being an unconfident third grader who needed special help with reading to ranking number six in my high school graduating class. As a teacher, I will reflect on my past struggles and use them to affectively help my students. I am dedicated to understanding and educating the generations to come. …show more content…
As a softball player, basketball player, cheerleader, SGA member, and most importantly a student, dedication meant a lot to me. I was dedicated to all my activities, work, and everyone I participated with. As a team leader and SGA president sometimes things got difficult. The introduction of new technology like social media sometimes created more problems. Technology is still widely used today, sometimes in horrible ways. I am dedicated to change that for my students. I will teach ways to learn from technology and assess the world in a different way through

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