...International joint ventures (IJV) have been a topic of interest in research and literature both in the past and present. Several findings suggest that the success of IJV may be due to numerous factors (Bener & Glaister 2010), though there are many issues which underlie the performance and managerial implications in IJV. This paper aims to discuss the recent contrasting views and perspectives from the academic, peer reviewed literature in relation to numerous issues, focussing on managerial implications that surround international joint ventures. An IJV occurs when two businesses based in two or more countries form a partnership, where a company that wants to explore international trade without taking on the full responsibilities of cross-border business, to join up with a foreign partner (Yan & Zeng 1999). Firms have been relying on IJV as a strategic tool to maximise economic benefits, product expansion, manage risk, adapt to new skills and technologies, and create new products and services faster with the assistance of a foreign company (Luo 2002; Damanpour, Devece, Chen & Pothukuchi 2012). According to Bener and Glaister (2010), the level of control from the parent company, autonomy to management and the level of trust between partner firms are all crucial to the success of IJV by opening up market opportunities through which foreign companies can gain a competitive advantage. Yildiz (2013) also supports this, stating that the level of trust between partners is needed...
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...PIHATUR Puji sareng syukur mangga urang sanggakeun ka hadirat Allah SWT lantaran barkat rahmat-Na simkuring saparakanca tiasa ngabereskeun ieu makalah tugas Ngawawancara kanggo nuntaskeun panceun ti bapak/ibu guru. Sholawat sareng salam mugi-mugi salamina kacurah limpahkeun ka jungjunan alam nyatana Nabi Muhammad SAW, teu hilap ka kulawargina sareng ka shahabatna sareng mudah-mudahhan dugi ka urang sadayana. Medalna ieu makalah dipihareup tiasa ngadeudeul lumangsungna proses di ajar Bahasa Sunda di SMA. Eusi ieu makalah meseur kana tujuan rangka kanggo proses wawancara anu neramgkeun tentang Tingkah Laku Barudak Jaman Ayeuna. Pamungkas, mugi makalah aya mangpaatna kanggo urang sadayana. Tangtos wae dina ieu makalah masih seueur kaneh kakiranganana. Bekasi, November 2013 Penyusun DAFTAR EUSI PIHATUR………………………………………………………………..……………………..…2 DAFTAR EUSI......…………………………………………………………………………….….3 BAB I BUBUKA…….……………………………………………………………………………4 1. KASANG TUKANG………………………………………………………………………….4 2. WATESAN MASALAH……………………………………………………………………………………4 3. MAKSUD JEUNG TUJUAN………………………………………………………………………………………4 BAB II PEMBAHASAN……………………………………………………………………..…..5 BAB III PANUTUP……………………………………………………………………………….7 3.1. KASIMPULAN………………………………………………………………………………7 DAFTAR PUSTAKA……………………………………………………………………………..8 BAB I BUBUKA 1. KASANG TUKANG Wawancara...
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...1. Methodology customer development The five principles of the lean startup Enterpreneurs are everywhere, my denition of a startup: a human institution designed to create new products and services under conditions of extreme uncertainty. That means entrepreneurs are everywhere and the Lean Startup approach can work in any size company, even a very large enterprise, in any sector or industry. Entrepreneurship is management, A startup is an institution, not just a product, and so it requires a new kind of management specically geared to its context of extreme uncertainty lean thingking It taught the world the diference between value-creating activities and waste and showed how to build quality into products from the inside out. The innovator dilemma Innovation is a bottoms-up,decentralized, and unpredictable thing, but that doesn’t mean it cannot be managed. Validated learning is the process of demonstrating empirically that a team has discovered valuable truths about a startup’s present and future business prospects. It is more concrete, more accurate, and faster than market forecasting or classical business planning. Lean Startup : Mulai Usaha Dengan Resiko Rendah… Published on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 07:41 Oleh : Muhaimin Iqbal Entrepreneur itu bisa belajar dari siapa saja, bahkan bisa belajar dari seorang petinju seperti Mike Tyson sekalipun. Melalui ucapannya yang terkenal “semua orang bisa ber-strategi, tetapi ketika pukulan lawan mengenai muka Anda – baru Anda tahu...
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...1. Tema Drama: Pemborosan 2. Ritma Cerita Drama: I) Pemeran : Andy : Vito : Ade : Prins I) Permasalahan Andy yang selalu menghambur-hamburkan uangnya untuk membeli sesuatu yang tidak terlalu bermanfaat. II) Komplikasi Vito yang selalu mengajak Andy untuk selalu nongkrong dan selalu memanfaatkan kondisi keuangan Andy. III) Catatan I Ade, murid sederhana yang terkadang menjadi korban ketidak sewenangan mereka. IV) Catatan II Prins, teman yang selalu menyadarkan mereka jika terjadi perselisihan. V) Kesimpulan Akhirnya Andy dan Vito sadar bahwa hidup boros selain melukai seseorang juga akan membuat mereka menyesal di kemudian hari. 3. Karakter a. Protagonis: Ade b. Antagonis: Andy dan Vito c. Tritagonis: Prins 4. Latar a. Tempat Di dalam kelas b. Waktu Siang hari (pas istirahat) c. Sosial Andy tidak peka terhadap lingkungan sehingga di betindak sesuka hati dengan uang yang dimilikinya. Naskah Drama Masih dalam suasana istirahat, Ade tengah asik belajar membaca buku di dalam kelas. Kemudian, datanglah seorang teman yang gaya hidupnya cukup jauh berbeda dengan Ade yaitu Andy. Mereka pun asik dalam pembicaraan. Andy : baca buku mulu lu....ngga bosen apa di kelas terus Ade : ya, mau gimana lagi, gw kan ngga kebeli buku jadi satu-satunya cara ya.. minjem ke perpus Andy : tapi ngga harus ngorbanin waktu istirahat lu juga kali... Ade : Nah, lu sendiri kenapa kemari, kan di kantin banyak...
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...fear of heights. Jackson’s phobias are making him feel helpless and not confident among his peers. Jackson needs to be building relationship with his peers, learning material in a safe environment, and needs to be able to feel comfortable in common environmental living areas, such as his room. Jackson’s psychosocial development is at risk due to the aspects in Jackson’s life that are not being fulfilled. Phobias usually develop in late childhood, adolescence or early adult life due to a frightening event or situation that may have occurred (Bener, Ghuloum, & Dafeeah, 2011). Jackson states that when he was 8 years old he went on the playground and fell down on the slide. Jackson broke his arm and finger. Jackson event was so frightening and painful that he isn’t ever willing to go through it again. Jackson protects himself by not going near heights. Phobias are also likely to occur do to mirroring actions and thoughts during childhood (Bener et al., 2001). Jackson states that his mother is scared of spiders and witnessed her mother running to his father for help in killing the spider. Jackson states that ever since then he has been cautious of spiders and has grown to hate them more when watching them in movies. Jackson states that his fear for spiders mostly came once when he was at the doctor’s office and opened a magazine and saw an image of a damaged arm. Jackson’s became curious as to why the man’s arm was damaged in the picture; the doctor explained to Jackson that a spider...
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...takdir berkata lain. Ternyata antrian dikamar mandi terlihat seperti antrian di costumer service bank dekat kampus, tak tahu kapan akan mendapat giliran. Akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk tidak mandi dan bergegas mengganti baju. Kuambil rok hitam yang tampak lusuh, kupadankan dengan kemeja biru dongker yang dihiasi dengan motif polkadot, lalu kucari kaus kaki putih yang nampaknya melarikan diri dari tempat biasanya. Dan akhirnya kumenemukan kaus kakiku disudut ruangan tak terjangkau mata. “Lisa, kamu mau berangkat bareng gak? Kita tunggu dibawah ya!”, ucap Abil dengan logat jawanya. “Iya iya tunggu ya gue masih nyari ikat pinggang gue nih, dimana ya?”, ucapku sambil menggeldah seluruh isi kamar. “Mana gue tau, makanya kalo simpan barang yang bener dong!”, ucap Dessy sambil bersolek dengan bibir merahnya yang mengkilau. Tiba-tiba mataku berbinar ketika aku menemukan sesosok ikat pinggang yang tergantung di deket jendela kamar. Aku sudah hampir telat, aku langsung menuju lobby asrama. Kulihat kawan-kawan ku sudah berbaris rapi dengan dress code ospek. Namaku Lisa. Aku adalah seorang mahasiswi baru di sebuah kampus di Jawa Barat, saat ini aku diwajibkan tinggal di sebuah asrama yang terletak di dalam kampus. Sangat disayangkan letak asrama putri cukup jauh dari asrama putra. Di asrama, aku memiliki tiga teman kamar,yaitu Abil, Dessy, dan Alika. Mereka bertiga berasal dari berbagai daerah. Abil berasal dari Probolinggo, Dessy dari Padang, dan Alika dari Palembang. Pada saat itu, kami...
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...creating the Youth Action program back in 2008, they have engaged over 50,000 young people for the past three years. In hopes to help the next generation and encouraging them to build successful and socially responsible business as well as a nonprofit organization. Additionally, Starbucks supports communities through “farmer loans” and “ethical sourcing programs”. “In Indonesia’s Aceh province, Starbucks has teamed with Save the Children to improve children’s health and education in coffee-growing communities through BLEND (Better Living, Education, Nutrition, and Development).” (Farming Communities - 2012 Starbucks G.R.R.) Since the BLEND project started in 2009 it has made a dramatic difference in lives of families from over 40 communities in Bener Meriah district. ! During the year of 2010, Starbucks has launched a “Starbucks Community Service” website for partners encouraging them to get other partners to be involved in volunteering in their local communities. In this website, there are four different areas: Lead, Join, Record, and Share. A partner can “Lead” a volunteer...
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...TLG Musical Drama 2011 - Mencari Putri Actors/Actresses: Putri: She comes from a wealthy family and loved dearly by her father, the head of the village. However her mother died when she was still a baby and her father took care of her by himself until she grows up to become a beautiful and lovely girl with a bubbly personality although a bit spoilt. Although she loves her father so much, she always wants to see the life outside her village. Easy to fall in love and her stubbornness makes her easily fall into the trap of temptations. Satria: He is the only son of the head servant in Putri’s Family. A very smart, kind and caring person, Satria is very shy, timid and introvert with no self esteem and no self confident. He is the childhood friend of Putri and secretly admires and longing for Putri’s affection although he does not have the courage to say it to Putri. Ayah (Father): The head of The Village and the richest man in his area in Indonesia. A very charismatic and caring leader although not in his best of health but loved by the villagers. He loves her daughter, Putri so much and promised to protect and takes care of her, whatever it takes, when his wife passed away. He uses a walking stick to walk because of an accident involving Putri when she’s small. Antonio: He is the son of a wealthy businessman in Singapore. He has the look, the money and the brain, and one of the most eligible bachelors in Singapore. A very handsome and charming man however he’s a true womanizer...
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...Prosedur Analitis Prosedur analitis atau Analytical procedures adalah evaluasi informasi keuangan yang dibuat untuk mempelajari hubungan yang logis antara data keuangan dan non-keuangan yang dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara: 1. Membandingkan data klien dengan industri. 2. Membandingkan data klien dengan data yang serupa pada periode sebelumnya. 3. Membandingkan data klien dengan data yang diperkirakan klien. 4. Membandingkan data klien dengan data yang diperkirakan oleh auditor. 5. Membandingkan data klien dengan hasil perkirakaan yang menggunakan data non keuangan. Table 1. Prosedur analitik siklus persediaan dan pergudangan Analytical procedure | Kemungkinan Misstatement | Membandingkan persentase gross margin dengan tahun lalu | Overstatement pada persediaan atau harga pokok penjualan | Membandingkan inventory turnover dengan tahun lalu | Keusangan persediaan ; overstatement atau understatement pada persediaan | Membandingkan unit cost dari persediaandengan tahun sebelumnya | Overstatement atau understatement pada unit cost persediaan | Membandingkan biaya pabrikasi tahun ini dengan tahun sebelumnya | Misstatement pada unit cost persediaan; khususnya biaya tenaga kerja langsung dan overhead | Pengamatan fisik persediaan Paragraf 3 SA Seksi 331 (PSA No. 07) m enyatakan: Jika kuantitassediaan hanya ditentukan melalui penghitungan fisik, dan semua penghitungan dilakukan pada tanggal neraca atau pada suatu tanggal dalam periode yang tepat, baik...
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...ANALISIS KASUS PENGHINAAN DI MEDIA SOSIAL ONLINE Untuk memenuhi Tugas BUAS Sosiologi dan Politik Dosen Pengampu : Drs Soeprapto, SU Disusun oleh: Milzam Danar Amadis 13/348398/EK/19460 JURUSAN MANAJEMEN FAKULTAS EKONOMIKA DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA YOGYAKARTA 2015 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Dengan semakin majunya penggunaan teknologi informasi, pengguna internet di Indonesia juga semakin bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu. Internet telah memotong berbagai masalah jarak dan waktu dalam berinteraksi antar sesama manusia apapun tujuannya. Berbagai kemudahan yang ditawarkan telah berimbas kepada tumbuh pesatnya media sosial yang ada di Indonesia.Salah satu bagian dari internet adalah media sosial. Media sosial merupakan perantara sesama manusia dalam bersosialisasi dalam dunia internet. Dengan media sosial sebuah kejadian dapat dengan mudah diketahui oleh masyarakat dengan cepat. Media sosial memberi ruang yang lebih luas untuk berbagi berbagai informasi secara global. Memang, jika kita berbicara media sosial kita tidak bisa melepaskan perkembangan internet itu sendiri, karena internetlah pemicu ledakan penggunaan media sosial saat ini. Tanpa internet maka media sosial sulit berkembang seperti saat ini. Kehadiran media sosial, seperti Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Path, BBM, dan lain-lain, membawa perubahan yang sangat radikal dalam berkomunikasi. Apalagi media sosial tsb. dapat dilihat melalui telepon genggam atau telepon seluler...
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...IMPLICATIONS OF NEW TURKISH COMMERCIAL CODE ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND IFRS CONVERSION IN TURKEY ACCOUNTING 7140 X, SPRING 2013 I have participated in preparing this paper and concur with its contents: Print name Signature Abstract Globalization brought many changes in many aspects of human life. The introduction of internet made the borders between countries slimmer and slimmer. E-commerce and other international commerce tools opened new cases and new issues to be discussed in the areas of finance, accounting, financial reporting, auditing and corporate governance. That is why, modifying, updating, and advancing the current Turkish Commercial Code (TCC) became a necessity in order to be capable of addressing the contemporary challenges of today’s world. To adapt these changes, Turkish Regulatory bodies introduced a new Turkish Commercial Code. The New Turkish Commercial Code (New TCC) aims to regulate commercial relations in line with the recent changes in the local and global business environment as well as technological and legal developments including the European Union (EU) legislation. Particularly the Company Law section of the New TCC includes the most radical changes in the whole law which will have a significant impact on the Turkish commercial life. These radical changes introduced by the New Turkish Commercial Code will have significant effects on the accounting, finance, financial...
Words: 4928 - Pages: 20
...Final Paper Business Practice Analysis of Brodo Footwear Final Paper for Introductory Business Course Depok 2014 Statement of Authorship “We the undersigned certify that the paper attached is purely our original work. No work of others that we use without citing its sources. Except where reference is made in the text, this document contains no material presented elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a document presented by us for another qualification at this or any other institution. We understand that the paper which we collect may be reproduced or communicated for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.” Name | NPM | Signature | Dhanendra Martifauzi | 1406640650 | | Lukman Makarim | 1406640814 | | Melisa Try Hatmanti | 1406546525 | | Muhammad Khalifa Akbar | 1406641193 | | Rr Azzyra Ayu Gendhis Pakartie | 1406545926 | | Yovanka Amira | 1406546462 | | Course : Introductory Business Title of the paper : Business Practice Analysis of Brodo Footwear Date : December 10th 2014 Lecturer : Nayunda Andhika Sari S.E., MBA. Contents Cover Statement of Authorship ……………………………………………………………………… 2 Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3 1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 3 1.1. Background ……………………………………………………………………… 4 1.2. Problem Formulation ……………………………………………………………… 4 1.3. Objectives of Analysis ……………………………………………………………… 4 1.4. Methods of Analysis ……………………………………………………………… 4 2. Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………...
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...CHADWICK, Inc. : THE BALANCED SCORECARD Latar Belakang Perusahaan Chadwick, Inc. Perusahaan yang bervariasi dalam produk konsumen produk dan farmasi. Divisi Norwalk yang merupakan pengembangan dari Chadwick, memproduksi dan menjual obat legal untuk digunakan oleh manusia dan hewan. Chadwick merupakan salah satu dari lima atau enam perusahaan yang cukup besar dalam pasar dan belum mendominasi industri. Produk yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan dinilai cukup baik dan diakui kualitasnya. Norwalk tidak menyediakan seluruh kebutuhan pokok untuk bersaing,t api lebih mengkhususkan pada pasar mikro dan berusaha untuk terus mencari aplikasi baru untuk senyawa yang ada. Norwalk menjual produknya ke beberapa distribusi kunci yang merupakan supplier pasar lokal seperti toko eceran, organisasi pelayanan kesehatan dan rumah sakit dan praktek dokter hewan. Norwalk bergantung pada hubungan baik dengan distributor yang mempromosikan produknya pada konsumen dan juga menerima umpan balik dari konsumen tentang produk baru yang diinginkan oleh konsumen. Chadwick mengetahui jika kesuksesan jangka panjang tergantung pada banyaknya uang yang dihasilkan oleh distributor melalui promosi dan penjualan produk Norwalk. Jika keuntungan penjualan meningkat berarti produk tersebut dipromosikan secara besar-besaran oleh distributor dan Norwalk mendapatkan banyak informasi tentang kebutuhan pelanggan di masa depan. Di masa lalu, Norwalk mengalami kesuksesan yang diketahui dari penelusuran catatan penjualan...
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...www.elsevier.com/locate/worlddev World Development Vol. 30, No. 9, pp. 1539–1560, 2002 Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/02/$ - see front matter PII: S0305-750X(02)00058-X Women in Sustainable Development: Empowerment through Partnerships for Healthy Living CLAUDIA MARA VARGAS * I University of Vermont, Burlington, USA Summary. — This article seeks to take partnerships seriously. Specifically, it is concerned with the nature, opportunities, and challenges facing women’s nongovernmental organization (NGOs), which seek to make real contributions to sustainable development. It uses a case study of COFERENE, a successful women’s NGO in Costa Rica, to explore the nature of partnerships, the contextual factors that shape them, the successes that can be realized from their wise use, and the potential problems that may arise. There are lessons, both optimistic and cautionary, to be learned from COFERENE’S experiences. This article analyzes these lessons. In synthesis, partnerships are complex and demanding, though there are cases in which women’s NGOs have used them effectively to foster sustainable development. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Key words — geographical focus: global, country specific: Costa Rica, sustainable development, partnerships, culture, nonprofits A woman said that her father was a street sweeper. If some people consider this a humble job, her opinion was that a person who has the job of...
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...INTRODUCTION Companies’ Overview Hugo Boss AG and Burberry Group are apparel and are competitors in their line of market, also listed in the stock exchange, German DAX and London FTSE respectively from the countries of origin. These companies’ are traded under ‘brands’ and make them for both men and women and have global licenses of fragrances, eyewear, and timepieces. These companies’ retail/ wholesale engages in the sale of luxury goods through mainline stores, have directly operated stores and concessions, a digital platform active in various languages. The companies’ have subsidiaries in Europe, Middle East, India, Africa and Asia Pacific region. Using the companies’ annual report of the recent year ending 2014 and 2015 a corporate governance analysis can be made. Does the geographical location of this company impact on their corporate governance structure? The geographical location is important and has an impact of their corporate governance approach since where the headquarters is situated and proximity to the management board influence the decision making of the companies’ by laws, countries have to adopt a system or more than one system of governance as seen in France. Hugo Boss and Burberry are companies’ whose approach of corporate governance are stakeholder and shareholder oriented respectively. Letza et al 2004, compares shareholders and stakeholders approach as the two distinct model adopted over the years by advanced industrial nations and governments...
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