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Big Bend National Park Research Paper

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The Big Bend National Park is one of the most beautiful parks I have ever seen. It is located in Southwest Texas. The park is home to desert wildlife and the park near the Mexican border. It is a huge swath of the of the Chihuahuan Desert. The Big Bend receives over 1,200 species of plants, over 4,500 types of birds, 56 kinds of reptiles, and 75 species of mammal. This park also takes up 801,163 acres. This park is beautiful with many varieties of things to do. On the day of June 12, 1944, The Big Bend National park was established. President Franklin D. Roosevelt established this park one day after D-day. He did this so America’s future generations could enjoy the park. In 1535, the Paleo Indians roamed this land. Many native americans …show more content…
The Window Trail is a trail following to a V-shaped canyon. Hiking is one of the main things to do here. There are many trails to follow, just like the Window Trail. In addition, one can go to the area known as the Chisos Mountain Basin, which is a deep valley situated in between rocky volcanic peaks that go as high as twenty-five hundred feet above the Chisos Mountain Lodge and the Chisos Mountain Campground. Hikers can find all the regular amenities of modern civilization but can easily escape to a trail that leads to beautiful wilderness. The trails range from short and easy to difficult and long. There are even some in between. In addition to these trails, you can go horseback riding, travel river trails, ride bicycles or motorcycles, and go sight seeing and shopping.You could also enjoy birding, vehicle tours,and the culture of the area. Many people suggest going horseback riding down the trails or canoe or raft the Rio Grande.This park also has live Texas campfire music. But, if you’re not into rigorous activities like these, you might be interested in some delicious food available in the area. Big Bend has a delicious “12 Gage Restaurant”. They have outstanding gourmet food and a bar. They have great hospitality to greet tired travelers. After, getting amazing dinner at the 12 Gage Restaurant, you can visit the Santa Elena

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