...67–87 & 2005 JIT Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. All rights reserved 0268-3962/05 $30.00 palgrave-journals.com/jit Research article A critical analysis of decision support systems research David Arnott1, Graham Pervan2 1 2 Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia Correspondence: G Pervan, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. Tel: þ 618-92667390; Fax: þ 618-92663076; E-mail: pervang@cbs.curtin.edu.au Abstract This paper critically analyses the nature and state of decision support systems (DSS) research. To provide context for the analysis, a history of DSS is presented which focuses on the evolution of a number of sub-groupings of research and practice: personal DSS, group support systems, negotiation support systems, intelligent DSS, knowledge management-based DSS, executive information systems/business intelligence, and data warehousing. To understand the state of DSS research an empirical investigation of published DSS research is presented. This investigation is based on the detailed analysis of 1,020 DSS articles published in 14 major journals from 1990 to 2003. The analysis found that DSS publication has been falling steadily since its peak in 1994 and the current publication rate is at early 1990s levels. Other findings include that personal DSS and group support systems dominate research activity and data warehousing is the least published type of DSS. The journal DSS is the major publishing outlet;...
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...Cahnmann, M., & Varghese, M. M. (2005). Critical advocacy and bilingual education in the United States. Linguistics and Education, 16(1), 59-73. doi:10.1016/j.linged.2005.10.002 This research paper presents the benefits of bilingual education from the socioeconomic perspective based on collecting data from two ethnographic studies of bilingual teachers and their students in the United States. The researchers present that bilingual schooling in which English language teaching is applied prepares learners to be able to keep abreast of economic globalization and international job markets in a global society. Furthermore, they present that bilingual learners are assumed as having a deep understanding of different cultural...
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...DATABASE DESIGN Research Paper You are to write a research paper about an approved topic in the field of Information Technology (IT) Management, preferably in the area of Database Systems. The topic must be of current interest to the IT professionals. The deadline for the topic approval is September 20. You must turn into me one page (single-spaced) ‘Abstract’ of your paper by that date. A partial list of journals which publish articles pertaining to the IT area is attached. These publications are some of the source for your research work. Your paper must be between 12 and 15 pages of typed, doubled-spaced text, not including your references and any appendices or attachment. Plagiarism will result in a grade of zero. Your research paper is due on November 29. It will be graded according to the criteria on the attached page Suggested Structure of Research Paper Abstract: Half-page (single spaced) summary of the paper I. Introduction: - Problem Background -Problem Importance - Purpose and contents of this paper i. Target audience of the paper ii. Overall objective iii. Within the overall objective, the specific issues or question addressed in the paper iv. A precise statement of the content of the paper v. Scope and limitation of the paper vi. Usefulness of the paper - How would the target audience...
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...Cherie Miller Health Informaion Systems Journal Article Critique #2 Marschollek, Michael (2009). Recent progress in sensor-enhanced health information systems – slowly but sustainably. Informatics for Health & Social Care, 34(4): 225-230 Introduction With an aging society and life expectancy rising there is great need for the integration of health enabling technologies into health information systems. The use of health enabling technologies is thought to help in the mission of improving the need for care and quality through the enhancement of sensor-enhanced health information systems. The greatest areas of importance for health enabling technologies are data security, patient centered care, diagnostic analysis, and system connectivity standards which will help focus on improving care, quality, and disease research. The transition from a system that is institutional focused to patient focus will not be immediate, for health enabling technologies is still fairly new and growing so it will be a slow process before patients and organizations reap the benefits of this new technology. Creating self-sufficiency is an important capability for patients and care givers especially for those living with chronic illnesses. Health enabling technologies will aid in managing illnesses through relevant information and communication, which is key for individuals to actively participate and have some control over their healthcare needs. The health...
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...STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Helmut Krcmar Baruch College City University of New York and Henry C. Lucas, Jr. Graduate School of Business Administration New York University November 1986 Center for Research on Information Systems Information Systems Area Graduate School of Business Administration New York University Working Paper Series CRIS #I41 GBA #86-109 Center for Digital Economy Research Stem School of Business IVorking Paper IS-86-109 IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ABSTRACT This paper presents a framework for the implementation of strategic information systems. The framework draws on past research on implementation and takes into account the unique circumstances of strategic applications. The framework is illustrated with a case study of a money-center bank's cash management system based on a microcomputer. microcomputer provides a powerful front end to the bank's traditional transactions processing system for a corporate treasurer who is a client of the bank. The impact of the The system appears to be positive and the framework offers one model for viewing the implementation of strategic systems. INTRODUCTION A 1982 paper proposed a classification of information systems into three different categories: those which support the business, applications which support strategic planning and s y s t e m s w h i c h a r e a p a r t of a f i r m ' s Turner, 1982). s t r a t e g y (Lucas and This third type of system has received...
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...INFORMATION SYSTEM STRATEGIC PLANNING Information System Strategic Planning, the Cost of Efficiency Student Name University Any Town, Virginia September 2010 Certification and Approval A Directed Research Project on Information System Strategic Planning the Cost of Efficiency: Is there a preferred approach to information systems planning, submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Strayer University in candidacy for the degree of Master’s of Science in Information Systems. Submitted by: _________________________Date: _______________ Approved by: ___________________________ Date: _______________ ABSTRACT Information systems’ planning is often costly to implement and maintain; however, sound planning practices may reduce expenses associated with the development processes. A Formal methodical approach to systems analysis, requirements engineering, systems design, development, and construction may offer a reduction in development and certain aspects of life cycle support expenses. Corporate expenses may reach approximately 5% of their gross income on information systems development and support. This equates to approximately $15,000,000 to $35,000,000 annually (Whitemarsh Information Systems Corp. 2008, p.). Information systems may cost significantly less. In comparison, information systems, contingent upon other factors such as size of the company, and complexity of the information system cost may range anywhere from $2,000,000 to $10,000,000 per system. Corporate...
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...Current Roles and Applications of Electronic Health Record in the Home Healthcare System Florence F. Odekunle, MD, MS, PhD (c) Presentation Outline Introduction Research Methodology Results Conclusions Introduction Electronic health record (EHR) has been shown to play major roles in the home healthcare system. The main drivers for the increasing roles and applications of EHR in the home healthcare include the need to improve efficiency in home care service delivery and patient safety. Introduction Cont. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has identified the following as EHR functionalities for healthcare settings. 1 Health information and data Results management Patient support Decision support management Electronic communication...
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...Teachers and school leaders: making a difference through evidence-based practice A research paper for ACT Government schools ISBN 978-0-9757487-4-9 © Australian Capital Territory, Canberra 2007 Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright ACT 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the ACT Department of Education and Training, ACT Government, PO Box 1584, Tuggeranong ACT 2901. Produced for the ACT Department of Education and Training by the Measurement, Monitoring and Reporting Directorate. Telephone: Canberra 6205 9214 Fax: Canberra 6205 8353 ACT Government Homepage address 2 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide a research base for the ACT Department of Education and Training’s discussion paper for ACT government school teachers: Teachers and school leaders: making a difference through evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice is defined as the collection and analysis of relevant data and research and the application of this evidence to teaching and learning and to whole school improvement. The conceptual framework of the School Excellence Initiative underpins the paper. This places student achievement and learning at the centre of any discussion. In the research literature, there are many, often contradictory definitions of data, information and knowledge. This paper will use ‘data’ as a collective (singular) noun and define terms as follows: • data: a collection...
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...categories: • Health services • Education and training • Health administration • Research Select one of the four sub-specialties in Telemedicine: • Telepathology • Teleradiology • Teleintensive Care - Life flight • Telepsychiatry Prepare a 2-3 page paper (excluding title and reference pages) describing the advantages of the telemedicine applications or disadvantages for those individuals/patients who do not have access to the academic level of care facilities. How do they benefit clinically by having access to sub-specialists in a remote or rural setting? In your Telemedicine topic selection, include one of the four sub-specialties listed above and discuss how that application is evolving. Include 2-3 APA citations from scholarly sources *************************************************** HCA 401 Introduction to Health Care Informatics Week 5 Assignment (Strategic Implementation Plan) For more course tutorials visit www.hca401.com The Strategic Implementation Plan for the Electronic Medical Record Final Paper The Strategic Implementation Plan for the Electronic Medical Record Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading assignments, class discussions, additional research and the application of new knowledge. The paper must be 8-10 pages (excluding title and reference pages) and should reference 5-7 resources, in addition to the class text. For the final paper, present a strategic implementation plan of an electronic health record for the...
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...International Journal of Production Research Vol. 48, No. 17, 1 September 2010, 5137–5155 Supply chain performance measurement: a literature review Goknur Arzu Akyuz* and Turan Erman Erkan Department of Industrial Engineering, Atilim University, Kizilcasar Mahallesi, 06836 Incek Go¨lbasi, Ankara, Turkey (Received 19 February 2009; final version received 2 June 2009) This paper is intended to provide a critical literature review on supply chain performance measurement. The study aims at revealing the basic research methodologies/approaches followed, problem areas and requirements for the performance management of the new supply chain era. The review study covers articles coming from major journals related with the topic, including a taxonomy study and detailed investigation as to the methodologies, approaches and findings of these works. The methodology followed during the conduct of this research includes starting with a broad base of articles lying at the intersection of supply chain, information technology (IT), performance measurement and business process management topics and then screening the list to have a focus on supply chain performance measurement. Findings reveal that performance measurement in the new supply era is still an open area of research. Further need of research is identified regarding framework development, empirical cross-industry research and adoption of performance measurement systems for the requirements of the new era, to include...
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...categories: • Health services • Education and training • Health administration • Research Select one of the four sub-specialties in Telemedicine: • Telepathology • Teleradiology • Teleintensive Care - Life flight • Telepsychiatry Prepare a 2-3 page paper (excluding title and reference pages) describing the advantages of the telemedicine applications or disadvantages for those individuals/patients who do not have access to the academic level of care facilities. How do they benefit clinically by having access to sub-specialists in a remote or rural setting? In your Telemedicine topic selection, include one of the four sub-specialties listed above and discuss how that application is evolving. Include 2-3 APA citations from scholarly sources ----------------------------------------------------- HCA 401 Introduction to Health Care Informatics Week 5 Assignment (Strategic Implementation Plan) For more course tutorials visit www.hca401.com The Strategic Implementation Plan for the Electronic Medical Record Final Paper The Strategic Implementation Plan for the Electronic Medical Record Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading assignments, class discussions, additional research and the application of new knowledge. The paper must be 8-10 pages (excluding title and reference pages) and should reference 5-7 resources, in addition to the class text. For the final paper, present a strategic implementation plan of an electronic health record for the healthcare...
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... Response Paper • Collapse Informatics: Augmenting the Sustainability & ICT4D Discourse in HCI (Tomlinson et al., 2012) • Looking Past Yesterday’s Tomorrow: Using Future Studies Methods to Extend the Research Horizon (Mankoff et al., 2013) Both papers are dealing with future scenarios and stressing the likelyhood of a collapse if humanity proceeds its current way of living. The papers provide starting points to investigate in the preparation for humanity if such an event will come true. While the paper by Tomlinson et al. (2012) is introducing a completely new notion for studying, designing and devloping sociotechnical systems in the abundant present for use in a future of scarcity, the second paper by Mankoff et al. (2013) presents methods that can support the analysis of long-‐ term trends, support the identification of new research areas ...
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...www.ccsenet.org/cis Computer and Information Science Vol. 4, No. 2; March 2011 The Impact of Human Resource Information System on Strategic Decisions in Iran Hassan Rangriz (Ph.D) Assistant Professor, Department of Management, School of Economic Sciences No. 66, Roudsar Ave, Hafez Ave, P. O. Box: 15875-1111, Tehran, Iran Tel: 98-912-226-2026 E-mail: hassanrangriz@yahoo.com Javad Mehrabi (Ph.D) Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Islamic Azad University Qazvin Branch, No. 1, Daneshgah Ave, P. O. Box: 34185- 1416, Qazvin, Iran Tel: 98-281-3675-787 E-mail: mehrabijavad@yahoo.com Alireza Azadegan (M.A.) Researcher, Tehran, Iran Tel: 98-912-8158675 E-mail: Azadegan1981@yahoo.com Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of Human resource information system (HRIS) on strategic decisions. Design/methodology/approach – The papers develops a research model based on current literature and then test this model in Mellat and Parsian banks selected from 19 banks with 18000 branches, public and private sectors in Iran. Statistics society consists of 172 persons include assistant of general managers in both personnel affairs and welfare and domestic payments department in Mellat bank, and also professionals, managers and deputy of personnel affair and department of organisation and methods in Parsian bank. The sample size provided based on "Cohan- Morgan- Korjsay" is 108...
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...Information Systems Information Security Management within ERP Systems Research Paper Introduction This paper will discuss research on Information Security Management (ISM) within Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems since information security continues to be a hot topic in the business world. The major focus of the paper will be threefold: an analysis of the ERP systems in the present day, a relation of these systems to the accounting and auditing world, and finally, the future of the technology, given its vast impact in the business world. Notable ERP Systems Research Key research pertinent to this paper includes the works of Grabski et al. (2011) who discuss various issues relating to the security environment, as regards the ERP systems. They talk about the risk associated with ERP systems implementation and define it as a “problem that has not occurred but has the potential to cause loss” (Grabski et al. 2011, p. 55). They mention that there is a need for ERP audit techniques, such as embedded audit modules, to control security risks (2011, p.55). This paper will utilize their research work to analyze auditing in an ERP environment by examining security risks and internal controls after ERP implementation. Additionally, Hunton et al. (2004) try to address the issue of risk associated with ERP systems, in the context of auditing (p.1-23). Hunton et al. (2004) analyze how financial auditors compare ERP systems related risks to non-ERP systems risks (p.1)...
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...project that allows you to research various HR functions at an organization of your choice has been developed. You can then practically apply the information you have learned to the chosen environment. The organization you select should be of interest to you. It can be where you are currently employed, or wish to be employed. It can also be something that interests you (for example, coffee drinkers can select Starbucks). This must be an organization that is researchable as you need to gather and analyze a variety of information in order to complete the components of your project. If you select an organization with which you are currently associated, it is important to remember that the various analyses you make during the completion of your project must be based on facts that can be documented rather than your personal opinion as an employee. Each project component requires you to research a different aspect of HRM. In addition to gathering the requisite data from the organization of your choice, you are required to research and employ a minimum of four resources (per assignment) to support the content of each assignment. Examples of acceptable choices include informational interviews, scholarly journals, and white papers from professional organizations such as the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). As you progress through the project and address the different HR issues covered in the class, you continue to broaden your research and expand the number of your...
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