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Bill Of Rights Pros And Cons

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First, I believe Bill of rights is gradually evanescing its purpose of freedom, protection, rights, etc. It has given us a lots of rights but the movement and people have misused it. Also, Amendment II should apply to only people in uniforms or if it necessary. Next, Amendment VII claims to be given the rights to the people in jail, but it has failed in certain area. We over look our rights. We have freedom to speech but what happens when the government takes over? We are not going to be left with nothing. Second, I believe that first Amendment. It has been the greatest gift for all the citizen and non citizen in USA. It promises people of freedom of speech, freedom of right, right of people, prohibiting the free exercise. In addition, Amendment IX states to protect people’s rights and any rights that have not been listed. Without the first Amendment we would not be able to have a mixed community as we do now. Next, there would be no Voice to be heard. The government would …show more content…
Amendment VII Claims that "Excessive Bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." However, amendment VIII has not given the people of Guantanamo bay like Murat Kurnaz any rights. In addition, there are about 92% innocent’s people that suffer harsh punishments such as Water treatments, waterboarding, hanging on chains Etc. I do not see the justice that was provided to Murat. Why do people like to abuse laws on innocent. Even though, when they know they have done nothing. Another, this Amendment did not give any freedom of rights, justice. I do not see how it protected Murat as stated in the Amendment Ix. It is not right to detain innocent. Amendment VI gives the right to speedily trail. I believe that people like Murat should be given the permission to know there rights. They should also be given its rights that amendment IX has promised. They do not deserve to suffer like

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