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Body Scanners Research Paper

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According to the radiation experts and medical physicists body scanners which use at airports don’t cause real health risks .But effectiveness of body scanners depends on the amount of radiation dose, frequency and the duration a person expose to it.
Airports use two types of scanning technology -- millimeter wave scanners, which use radio waves and do not expose people to X-rays, and backscatter scanners, which use very low levels of X-rays.
It's the backscatter scanners -- which create an anatomically accurate image that reveals if anything is hidden under a person's clothing -- that have been the subject of controversy in the past week.
It’s essential to discover the …show more content…
Also there should be more specialized body scanners for sensitive body parts such as eyes. If not safety equipments should be worn to cover those parts as safety glasses can be used to cover eyes. The affect to the children is another considerable issue with body scanners. As their internal organs (such as kidneys) are still building and tenuous they can be damaged easily. Also high dose of radiation can cause distortion. In the case of whole body CT scanning it is difficult to justify medical examinations that involve large radiation doses which may be of little benefit to the patient. Whole body scanning currently offered in Sydney imposes large radiation doses on clients in the range of 4 to 24 millisieverts (mSv) per scan. In comparison, a chest x-ray gives an average dose of 0.04 mSv.
The Department of Health has advised that a whole body CT scan with an effective dose of 10 mSv may be associated with an increase in the possibility of cancer of approximately 1 in 2000. This cancer risk generally outweighs the potential health benefits for healthy people under the age of

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