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Should Kids Have Chores Research Paper

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In my opinion, kids should have chores. Are you thinking, my kids, are too busy for chores? They never listen to me, and I always end up doing them myself. I ask and ask, but they always put up a fight! Have you ever thought that when you ask your kids to do chores and ended up doing them yourself because it is just easier that way? Well if you have you need to read this. You will learn why all those fights, in the end, will be worth it because it will be one of the best ways for your kids to learn and grow. First off, all chores can have a big impact on how your kids behave, If they do chores it can shape your kids to be the best that they can be and show them the responsibilities of growing up. Chores can teach your kids work ethic which everyone needs to be successful in both school and at work, and many people would consider that as a good quality especially bosses and teachers. It can show your kids that not everything will come to them easily and that you have to do some work to get things done. According to Dr. Julie Green chores encourage your kids to take care …show more content…
In a blog posted by Momentum Life, chores can actually create special moments between your family members, and they can make memories that last a lifetime. Also according to Jenny Kepler, who is a family therapist, If kids have a positive emotional experience with parents as they learn to do housework it will make it more like a game instead of a job and they are more likely to enjoy chores. So with that being said chores can teach your kids how to communicate with your family to get jobs done and also make it a way for families to spend more time together. Which that is yet another thing that will help your kids in the future because if they can communicate with others when they are doing different jobs, people will want to hire them instead of someone who does not know how to communicate with

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