...Bilingual Education : Friend or Foe? Jennifer Smith Faulkner University Abstract This paper explores both the history of bilingual education as well as it’s implications for American Society. We will define the difference between bilingual education and bilingualism. It takes a formative look at the Bilingual Education Act to see our roots in bilingual education. We will examine both the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism and it’s effect on the brain. Also, we will attempt to shed some needed light on just why this is such a hot political topic. Why do Americans still seem unwilling to accept bilingual education as a necessity for their children? Bilingual Education: Friend or Foe? Bilingual education is a polarizing topic in America. Torn between preserving American culture and what makes us American, and providing immigrant children with the same access to education that all Americans deserve, bilingual education is now a political topic in America. There have been many attempts to make positive changes in our education system concerning bilingual education. Even for those who agree that bilingual education is important, arriving at the answer to the best approach is on a meandering path. With decades of studies, opinions and speculation as to the right way to best educate English language learners, it is not unlikely that many Americans wonder if bilingual education is friend or foe? Answers to these questions...
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...Bilingual Education is a way to label a huge term used to describe a wide variation of programs used in the United States. These programs are engineered to use full bilingualism, which is the use of two languages to teach academic content in the classroom. There are various different types of bilingual programs that are designed however, but all are geared to have the same exact outcome. The outcome for all of these programs is to use two languages proficiently in the classroom. The true question is whether bilingual programs are more effective in the long run over only English programs in raising students’ academic achievements. There are very many political and economic concerns that revolve around bilingual education in the U.S. Since...
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...Bilingual language is beneficial for the child’s first language and English development “Language constitutes us, it gives us meaning and allows us to make meaning, and it develops and abolishes spaces.” (Benjamin, 2002). Critiques of bilingual education continually claim that children can only learn one language at a time after which they are taught a second language (Krashen, 2000). They assert that bilingual education cause confusion among children and limit their intelligence capabilities; they argue that real bilinguals cannot combine their language. Advocates of bilingual education present arguments on its benefits, they suggest that, for many children the process of being literate and studying a new language simultaneously is overwhelming and that the bilingual process assist them to develop their native language first which results to a smooth transition to English. The main aim of the bilingual program was to promote the prominent language to issue instructions and at the same time enhance the development of the second language. Some define it in aspects of its capability to enhance cognitive and effective development while others view that it should focus on cultural enrichment and linguistic development. However, in some bilingual programs, instructions are issued through the use of the second language especially in cases where the first language erodes over time. (Baez, 2002) As the child proficiency in English increases he or she loses grasp of the native language...
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...The bilingual is not two monolinguals in one person Early studies on bilingualism have spread the idea that bilingualism was a disadvantage, that it might help developing anomalies (Pichon and Borel-Maisonny, 1937) or deteriorate children’s intelligence (Eichorn-Jones: 1952). From the 1970s onwards, more extensive and in-depth studies have discredited this idea that bilingualism was cognitively damaging and have shown the complexity and the specific characteristics of bilingual acquisition. Among these fundamental research, we can find Volterra & Taeschner (1978), Grosjean (1989), Romaine (1989), De Houwer (1995) and Genesee (1996), to name but a few. These research have highlighted the fact that Bilingual First Language Acquisition (BFLA) differs in many ways from the monolingual language acquisition that has been viewed as the ‘normal’ acquisition of language in the past. In this essay, the main focus will be on the bilingual-specific characteristics that children inevitably adopt when learning two or more languages simultaneously. We will see that to some extent, bilinguals can be compared to monolinguals. However, this essay will be centred on Grosjean’s quote ”the bilingual is not two monolinguals in one person”. The complex linguistic strategies supported by bilingual datas will reveal the singularity of bilingual language acquisition, which cannot simply be reduced to the idea of two monolinguals in one head. Studies focusing on whether bilinguals can be compared...
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...more mindful of what impact the power of language has on us individuals. The power of language can influence how we interpret others and express ourselves. The term “normality” can interfere with an individual's power of language. The fascinating thing about language is that there are no limits. But that statement is mistaken because of others mindset decides what “normal” is. In today's society multiple people experience oppression, the cause of that is those individuals interpret and express their power of language differently. For example, if two Spanish speaking students were in a classroom filled with English speaking students they are simulated to speak English. Those two Spanish speaking students lose their power of language to fulfill the expectation of the English speaking students. “I know that speaking Spanish with someone in a room full of Americans can seem rude to them because they don't understand. I know that at school some teachers have told others not to speak Spanish”. (Ruiz) A minority of the...
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...The direct purpose of this essay is to explore, research, and discuss bilingual language education throughout the United States and other countries. It is estimated that throughout the world approximately 6,000 different languages are spoken and that fewer than 25percent of our world’s approximate 200 countries recognize two or more official languages (Grimes, 1992 ). Grimes (1992) also goes on to surprise us with this unbelievable statistic, being that only a mere handful of these 200 countries recognizing more than two. Despite the above conservative figures, data has shown that there are many more bilingual or multilingual individuals around the world than there are monolingual (Tucker, 1999). It is estimated, that there are many more children...
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...Introduction What is a Bilingual? A Bilingual person is someone who can speak or write in more than one language. A person who can speak/write in more than two languages is considered to be a multilingual. Bilingualism and multilingualism isn’t unusual. In fact, it’s the norm for most of the world’s societies. It is possible for a person to know more than one or two languages, most especially when the country is not in the western part of the globe, usually, people can speak two languages—that is, their L1 and L2, which, in this context, L2 is usually the English language. People become bilingual when they learn two languages at the same time, or, they learn the second language sometime after they acquired their L1. But then, it is more possible for a person to learn a second language sometime after he has acquired his L1. The problem is, the older you get, the harder it is to learn to speak a new language as well as a native speaker. Many linguists believe that there is a so-called “critical period” wherein the child can easily acquire any language that he or she is regularly exposed to. Under this belief, the structure of the brain changes at puberty, then after that, it becomes harder to learn a new language. In some countries, nearly everyone is bilingual or multilingual. Except for United States of America, of course. Since their L1 is already English, they are rarely encouraged anymore to learn an L2. A Bilingual can...
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...Sistema de Información Científica Miranda Montenegro, Iván Ricardo Insights on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education: A Sociolinguistic Perspective Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, vol. 17, núm. 3, septiembre-diciembre, 2012, pp. 263-272 Universidad de Antioquia Medellín, Colombia Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=255025411004 Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, ISSN (Printed Version): 0123-3432 ikala@quimbaya.udea.edu.co Universidad de Antioquia Colombia How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage www.redalyc.org Non-Profit Academic Project, developed under the Open Acces Initiative InsIghts on BIlIngualIsm and BIlIngual EducatIon: a socIolInguIstIc PErsPEctIvE [Percepciones sobre el bilingüismo y la educación bilingüe: una perspectiva sociolingüística] Iván Ricardo Miranda Montenegro holds a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics to EFL Teaching from Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia. He currently works as assistant professor at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Mailing address: Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Instituto Internacional de Idiomas, Calle 4 sur No 15-134 Sogamoso, Boyacá, Colombia. E-mail: ivan.miranda@uptc.edu.co Abstract This paper is primarily intended to present some major considerations about bilingualism and bilingual education from a sociolinguistic perspective. In the first instance and due to the high complexity...
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...the most volatile states when considering how best to instruct English language learners (ELLs). There has been regular discussion about the best way to educate ELLs. In 1968, the door to funding was officially opened for bilingual education. According to Purcell (2002), the Bilingual Education Act authorized federal funding for programs that addressed the needs of students who had limited English skills. With more cases of disgruntled students and parents, it was clear that the education of English language learners was not going to come easily. While the concept of bilingual education is admirable, the fact is that the delivery of the education left much to be desired. With the level of dissatisfaction, the need for reform had arrived. According to Purcell (2002), businessman Ron Unz funded a large portion of Proposition 227. Under Proposition 227, Limited English Proficient (LEP) students would be given instruction in “sheltered English immersion” classrooms for a period not to exceed one year (Purcell, 2002). The instruction would be in English not the native language of the student. After the initial transition time, the student would be placed in a mainstream classroom. The California voters voiced their opinion and the proposition passed in 1998. Bilingual education was at an end. Often, voters are not able to see all that is accomplished within the walls of the...
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...different ways. For some, bilingualism means an equal ability to communicate in two languages. For others, bilingualism means the ability to communicate in two languages but with the possibility of greater skills in one language. There is a lot of criteria that goes along with bilingualism. For this research paper, the criteria I focused on were: The history of bilingualism laws in the United States, pros/cons of bilingual education in America’s school system, who benefits the most from bilingual education programs; youths in elementary or the youths in high school, bilingualism in the labor market, and bilingualism in the media. In the society that we live in today, Bilingualism has become just as it is important to learn as to learn the language from the country of a person’s ethnical background. Bilingualism has come a far way in the last 20 years to where it is today. Whether we notice it or not bilingualism plays a part in every person’s day to day life. Bilingualism is highly researchable subject is given a lot of political, as well as ethical attention. Twenty years ago in the school system bilingual education programs were almost never heard of much in elementary schools for English speaking students to have to learn another language. Most often the kids who didn’t t know English well would leave the Reed 2 classroom and go to another classroom for language programs such as E.S.L for example. What is the ESL program and does ESL even exists in the American School...
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...Press 1 for English…. Press 2 for Spanish… Why English Should Be Declared the Official Language of the Unites States of America Declaring English as the official language of the United States is a very controversial issue. We have one flag, one government, however no official language. Making English the official language would unite all Americans, no matter the race, creed, culture, heritage or ancestry. In 1907, US President Theodore Roosevelt wrote, “We have room for but one language in this country, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationally and not dwellers in a polyglot boarding house” (English-only movement/Wikipedia). There were as many as twenty different languages that could be heard around the time of our founding fathers. Today, there are presently three hundred twenty nine languages in the United States (US Census 2010). Immigrants of many nationalities have built our nation. Just look our nations motto, E pluribus Unum, (Latin meaning – out of many, one) which was adapted by the committee of Congress on July 4, 1776 to design “a seal for the United States of America”, which is carried by the American eagle. The nation has but one flag which we “pledge our allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” (MacAuthur). However, 236 years later the...
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...communication and understanding in the classroom. Many developing countries are characterized by individual as well as societal multilingualism, yet continue to allow a single foreign language to dominate the education sector. Instruction through a language that learners do not speak has been called “submersion” (Skutnabb-Kangas 2000) because it is analogous to holding learners under water without teaching them how to swim. Compounded by chronic difficulties such as low levels of teacher education, poorly designed, inappropriate curricula and lack of adequate school facilities, submersion makes both learning and teaching extremely difficult, particularly when the language of instruction is also foreign to the teacher. Mother tongue-based bilingual...
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...21923613 July 12, 2015 Essay Assignment Exam number: 250391 Language learning from what I’ve read starts when you are about a year old. Learning theory approach to language development suggest that “Language acquisition follows the principles of reinforcement and conditioning.” They give one example in our textbook on page 232 about a mother praising her baby for saying “mama” which means the baby is more likely to continue saying it. Once the baby gets older the learning theory approach to acquisition no longer applies, because it has an issue with grammar. A child that might say “Why he walks away?” could be understood by the listeners around so it makes the theory harder to explain. So we might as well jump to our next topic in language acquisition, which is an innate process by nativist Noam Chomsky. Chomsky believed that people shared something called universal grammar. He also suggested the language acquisition device, it’s a neural system of the brain to help the understanding of language. There is also clear evidence from scientist who have helped this innate process they have researched. They have discovered that there are specific places in the brain that contribute to learning languages, and there are certain areas in the mouth and throat that help with new speech. There is also some research on how some languages need a different tone in speech such as pitch to make a words mean different things such as Chinese. In conclusion, moan Chomsky and some scientist have...
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...Before I started my research in Code-Switching, I had very little knowledge of what code switching actually was. Through my research, I came to find that code means language; switching means alternating between. Right as I started my research, I started to notice that authors spell “code switching” in different ways. For example, they use it as two words, with a hyphen between them, or as one word. The different ways to spell code switching is a perfect example of the meaning of the word/s itself. Switching languages can mean a variety of things. As the articles I annotate below indicate, language switching can occur without notice, between dialects of a language, between different languages, and so on. Due to its broadness, it is important to focus on a topic of interest when researching code switching. I decided to focus on the advantages and benefits that Code Switching provides. The articles I reviewed give reasons why code switching happens, and some articles present many explanations. However, the main reasons as put forth by Arnfast and Jorgensen (2003), imitate the three main reasons that code switchers give for using their skill. These reasons are: to fill in linguistic gaps for words, acquisition or maintenance of social power, and social acceptance. After much research and by reading several studies of these approaches, I came to the conclusion that code switching is used rarely for one purpose. It is also doubtful that the users are completely aware of all the reasons...
Words: 3637 - Pages: 15
...materials that need to hand in: BlogSpot: http://languagesoftheworld.info/language-and-mind/does-language-reflectaffect-thought.html Beyond Blogspot statement: My abstract is definitely beyond the Blogspot. In the Blogspot, the author discussed the controversial question “does language effect/reflect thought” by mentioning a few research results that are in favour of the Whorf hypothesis, but also pointing out that the language pattern/structure does not affect how people perceive an event. In my opinion, thoughts are always being expressed by language, therefore it is much harder to figure out the relationship between language and thoughts because they are too closely link to each other. Therefore, I decide to investigate the relationship between language and perception. Perception, in my point of view, is more intuitional and can be separated from language more easily than thoughts. In my abstract, I will display 4 evidences that show the effect of language on perceptions. Research Plan: My research question is “does language affect perception”. The sources I am planning to use are evidences/examples of how language influences on people’s perceptions (such as perception of colour, phonetic, appreciations and etc.) My tentative answer to this question is “yes, language does have effect on perceptions”. I will use the research results from the studies that I cited to show that language does affect people’s perception of the world. A short statement about my references: The...
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