...Boeing and its Management Planning Christopher Bayles MGT/330 October 2, 2011 Bill Escue Boeing is one of the biggest aviation companies in the world with relations to a number of different countries. They produce products for commercial and government use as well as have contracts with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Management planning is one of the primary key focuses to Boeing because of the size of its massive corporation. They create some of the top high-end equipment for medical, commercial, and government use. The primary workings of the company includes goods that aid in the carrying of cargo, people, and other equipment used by the government. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversees the operation of aircrafts for safety concerns. Because of the safety concerns, Boeing conducts very extensive planning to operate a well-organized and successful business. Planning includes precautionary needs for the future, figuring out the departments’ objectives, activities that could be of some concern to a company, and a company's techniques they will need to accomplish a successful result (Boeing, 2010). During plans making Boeing has to consider the unpredicted problems so that there can be no possible mishaps that could happen. By setting obtainable goals in marketing, sales, mechanical markets and engineering, and updating and training employees to be more effective will ensure that the products exceed high expectations and...
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...Environmental Scan MGT/498 Environmental Advantage One of the fundamental requirements for a company to succeed is to understand both the internal and external environments. The companies must understand these environments and apply the knowledge to a strategy that will give the company a competitive advantage. The competitive advantage must be measured to fully understand how the strategy is being implemented and to what extent the strategy is creating a competitive advantage. Northrop Grumman (NG) uses environmental scanning to understand the market environment. This helps establish a strategy that will hopefully create a competitive advantage. Internal and external environmental scan Northrop Grumman’s internal environment is very strong. The company has positioned itself well to capitalize on the emerging trends in the national defense market place. Northrop has developed new technologies and internal infrastructure to sustain new business in the new technologies departments. NG is also strong in personnel, although there is a troubling trend emerging. NG has a long history of dedicated workers but has failed to retain or attract new talent. There is a growing gap between the experienced knowhow and the new employees. NG has a large gap in the middle of the workforce. The majority of the work force is either five years from retirement or has less than five years with the company. Therefore the “local knowledge” that is essential for continuing seamless operations...
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...A profitable and successful business on relies fine-tuning of and constantly adjusting the marketing mix using the marketing management process. In today’s hypercompetitive marketplace, when a firm has the right marketing mix chances for success are very good; if the marketing mix is only marginally successful a firm’s future is in doubt. This paper will briefly describe the marketing management process. Next the elements of the marketing mix are described. Along with each element, examples are provided showing how each part of the marketing mix affects the development of an organization’s marketing strategy and tactics. “The marketing management process is the process of (1) planning marketing activities, (2) directing the implementation of the plans, and (3) controlling these plans” (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, 2009, p. 32). Planning activities include setting objectives, evaluating opportunities, creating marketing strategies, preparing marketing plans, and developing a marketing program. Implementing the plan is putting everything into practice. Controlling the marketing plan after implementation includes measuring results, evaluating progress, and adjusting the marketing mix accordingly. Through the marketing management process as part of defining the marketing strategy, a firm defines its marketing mix. When a firm hits on the right combination of the four Ps of the marketing mix, it will enjoy success. The four Ps are “…controllable parameters likely to influence the...
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...CHAPTER 3 – Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic Management 6/8/11 3.1 Social Responsibilities of Strategic Decision Makers: 1. The concept of social responsibility proposes that a private corporation has responsibilities to society that extend beyond making a profit. A. As shown in Figure 3-1, Archie Carroll proposes that the managers of business organizations have four responsibilities: economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary. 1. Economic responsibilities of a business organization’s management are to produce goods and services of value to society so that the firm may repay its creditors and shareholders. 2. Legal responsibilities are defined by governments in laws that management is expected to obey. (ie: U.S. business firms are required to hire and promote people based on their credentials rather than to discriminate on non-job-related characteristics such as race, gender, or religion). 3. Ethical responsibilities of an organization’s management are to follow the generally held beliefs about behavior in a society. (society generally expects firms to work with the employees and the community in planning for layoffs, even though no law may require this; because the affected people can get upset if an organization’s management fails to act according to generally prevailing ethical values). 4. Discretionary responsibilities are the purely voluntary...
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...I. OVERVIEW Allan Mullaly – Ceo FORD 2006-2014 The solution leader’s role is to lead and manage in a complex dynamic world. He is tasked with aligning and or transforming organizational behaviour and performance to accede to the needs of its citizens, customers, shareholders and employees. He must simultaneously grow and maintain, align and adjust their organizations. That is he must achieve sustainable performance and growth through enterprise alignment adaptation and transformation. II. CONTEXT – Mulally has worked for two companies in his professional career. – First was Boeing, which hired him as an engineer in 1969. After nearly 30 years Mulally was made president of the company's Commercial Airplanes division and 3yrs later CEO of that division. – At Boeing, Mulally ran the team that created the company's first all-glass cockpit, with no traditional dials, and implemented a host of other technological advancements. – He was no stranger to pushing the tech envelope – Became president and CEO of Ford, in Sept 2006. 68 years old – 2006 Ford was on the brink of bankruptcy. Posting its the biggest annual loss in its 103-year history—$12.7 billion – When he entered company Ford exhibited the following based on the diagnostic Performance and Behaviour Model o Unattended Environment ( disconnected with industry trends, projections, lacked customer insight o Unclear Direction...
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...THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT: OPPORTUNITIES, THREATS, INDUSTRY COMPETITION AND COMPETITOR ANALYSIS. “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin Today, two types of strategies exist: proactive/reactive. Anticipation, change, adaptability is necessary nowadays so the proactive strategy (ex: Coca Cola). External environment conditions create both threats and opportunities for firms that have major implications for their strategic actions. Regardless of the industry, the external environment is critical to a firm’s survival success. The firm’s understanding of the external environment is matched with knowledge about its internal environment to form its vision, to develop its mission and to take actions that result in strategic competitiveness and above-average returns. Factors that can have an impact on business have to be taken in consideration. Companies sometimes have to have strategic scenario in case of an unexpected factors, which can affect the external environment: - The attacks of September 11, - The coalition invasion in Afghanistan in October 2001, - The outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiracy Syndrome (SARS) - The war in Iraq in 2003, - The Madrid (2004) and London (2005) bombings. I. The general, industry and competitor environments. The external environment Demographic Global Industry environment Threat of new entrant Power of suppliers Power of buyers Product substitutes Intensity...
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...company operating in the airline industry. Kenya Airways is subject to these factors and must find the best solution to help mitigate the adverse effects of these factors. It will help improve efficiency, effectiveness and the competitiveness of the company. Liberalization of many economies accompanied by globalization has turned the face of doing business across the globe. It has led to the essence of competition among organization for prosperity and survival. Technological aspects have also improved communication across the globe leading to integrated systems connecting companies and businesses. The report is an overview of the external environmental factors affecting Kenya Airways that is in the service sector in the Airline industry. The service sector requires up to date technology and is easily affected by the external environmental factors. These factors relate to the political stability, legal environment, social, cultural well-being, and the state of technology. Table of Contents Executive Summary…………………………………………………………….2 1.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………….4 2.0 Task 1 ………………………………………………………………………….5 2.1 Macro Environment analysis for Kenya Airways…………………………………..5 2.1.1 Political and legal factors………………………………………………………….5 2.1.2 Economic factors…………………………………………………………………….6 2.1.3 Social Factors………………………………………………………………………….7 2.1.4 Technological factors……………………………………………………………….8 3.0 Task 2……………………………………………………………………………..9 3.1 Barriers to globalization...
Words: 4774 - Pages: 20
...Porter’s Five Force Model Industry competitors - Local competitors are Air Asia, Firefly, etc - International competitors- Singapore airlines, Garuda, Cathay Pacific, Thai International Airways - Other Low cost Airlines- Compass, Tiger Airways, Cebu Pacific, Jetstar Asia Airways, Impulse, Virgin blue Airlines. The number of competitors is very high and with the emergence of low cost carrier and deregulation the internal competition has increased and the only reason that reduces it is the low and highly volatile profitability. Suppliers Power - 高油費->高供應商議價能力Fuel prices are ever increasing affecting the cost so the supplier power is high. - 買大量飛機-> 高供應商議價能力The Asian airline industry is very optimistic about the growth potential of the Asian aviation industry so is placing huge aircraft orders thereby increasing the bargaining power of the suppliers again - The civil aircraft industry is monopolized by two major aircrafts manufacturers - Large capital required so the leasing companies come into picture. - Highly specialized and professional employees are required to maintain the status of five star carrier services. - The recent crisis in the overall airline industry has to some extend lead to a reduction in the prices of the aircrafts. Buyer’s power - Local population (Malaysian) - Southeast population- Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, etc. - There is no switching cost as the buyer...
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...[Company name] [Company address] Marrketing principles Contents Introduction 2 Learning Outcome 01 2 Task 1 2 Task 2 4 Learning Outcome 02 5 Task 3 5 Task 4 10 Task 5 12 Learning Outcome 03 12 Task 6 12 Task 7 13 References: 13 Introduction British Airways (BA) is the banner bearer aerial shuttle of the United Kingdom and its biggest carrier focused around armada size, universal flights and global ends. At the point when measured by travelers conveyed it is second-biggest, behind Buisness jet. The aerial shuttle is situated in Waterside close to its primary center point at London Heathrow Airport. A British Airways Board was built by the United Kingdom government in 1972 to deal with the two nationalized aerial shuttle companies, British Overseas Airways Corporation and British European Airways, and two littler, provincial carriers, Cambrian Airways, from Cardiff, and Northeast Airlines, from Newcastle upon Tyne. On 31 March 1974, every one of the four organizations was consolidated to structure British Airways. After very nearly 13 years as a state organization, British Airways was privatized in February 1987 as a feature of a more extensive privatization arrange by the Conservative government. The transporter soon stretched with the securing of British Caledonian in 1987, took after by Dan-Air in 1992 and British Midland International in 2012. British Airways is an establishing part of the one world aerial shuttle union, alongside American...
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...68 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should be able to: LO1 Scanning the Marketing Environment WEB 2.0 IS ALL ABOUT YOU! The Web is changing at an extraordinary pace and each new change provides more customization and convenience for you. If you use Myspace. com, Del.icio.us, Secondlife, or any one of hundreds of new products on the Web you are already part of the new world of the Web! Not long ago the Web simply provided a modern channel for traditional businesses. Music led the way with file-sharing services such as Napster and eventually online stores such as iTunes. The entire entertainment industry followed by offering books, movies, television, radio, and photography on the Web. The digital revolution allowed all of these businesses to benefit from the technical aspects of the Web. Now the term Web 2.0 is used to describe the changes in the World Wide Web that reflect the growing interest in collaboration, open sharing of information, and customer control. Many products and services such as podcasts, weblogs, videologs, social networking, bookmarking, wikis, folksonomy, and RSS feeds are already available, and many more are in development. As the focus moves from providing a new channel for existing businesses to empowering individual consumers with customized products, suddenly the Web is all about you! You can create your own video and post it on YouTube, sell your photos on iStockphoto, build a social networking site on Ning, and publish...
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...Kerin−Hartley−Berkowitz−Rudelius: Marketing, Eighth Edition I. Initiating the Marketing Process 3. Scanning the Marketing Environment © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2005 Kerin−Hartley−Berkowitz−Rudelius: Marketing, Eighth Edition I. Initiating the Marketing Process 3. Scanning the Marketing Environment © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2005 CHAPTER 3 SCANNING THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT IT’S SHOW TIME! Don’t blink, because the world of entertainment is changing faster than anyone imagined possible. Online music, high-definition televisions, digital photography, computer-based media centers, and software for making movies are just some of the many products new to the entertainment industry. The revolution began with the combination of Apple’s iPod music player, which can store 10,000 songs in a device smaller than a deck of cards, and its iTunes Music Store, which sells more than 10,000,000 songs each month for just $.99 each. Other new forms of digital entertainment products include digital video recorders (DVRs), which record TV shows on hard drives instead of tape, and home entertainment “hubs,” which utilize wireless networks to link digital devices from around the home. Some experts even predict that there will probably be a version of iPod and iTunes for movies in the near future. Suddenly the music, television, photography, movie, and computer industries are converging. Musicians, recording companies, television networks, camera companies, movie studios...
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...ETIHAD AIRWAYS Assignment I Contents INTRODUCTION 2 BACKGROUND 3 ETIHAD’S CORE VALUES 4 COMMITMENT 4 VISION AND MISSION 5 HISTORY 6 LOYALTY PROGRAM 6 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 9 FINANCIAL POSITION 9 FINANCING ACTIVITIES 11 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 11 GENERAL ENVIRONMENT 12 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS 41 INDUSTRY ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS 44 1. Porter's 5 forces model 44 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS 65 INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 68 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE 90 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS 92 IMPORTANT ENVIRONMENTS THAT ETIHAD NEEDS TO BE AWARE OF: 108 ARE THE VISIONS AND MISSIONS CLEAR AND MEASURABLE? 110 REFERENCES 111 INTRODUCTION Strategic management is the comprehensive collection of ongoing activities and processes that organizations use to systematically coordinate and align resources and actions with mission, vision and strategy throughout an organization. Strategic management activities transform the static plan into a system that provides strategic performance feedback to decision making and enables the plan to evolve and grow as requirements and other circumstances change (Dess, Gregory G., G.T. Lumpkin and Marilyn L. Taylor, 2005). Our group decided to work upon Etihad Airways, the flag carrier airline for United Arab Emirates. The name ‘Etihad’ is derived from an Arabic word which means ‘union’. In addition to its main activity of passenger transportation, Etihad controls Etihad cargo and holidays. Aside from that, they have stakes in many other airlines...
Words: 32010 - Pages: 129
...Contents South West Airlines 4 Goals and Objectives 5 Their Mission and Vision Statement 5 Strengths 6 Weaknesses 6 Opportunities 8 Threats 8 Analyzing company’s external environment 9 Analyzing the nature and strength of competitive forces 11 Competitive pressure stemming from bargaining power of buyer: 16 Determining whether the collective strength of the five competitive forces is conductive to good profitability: 17 Competitive pressure from seller of substitute products 18 Sign that competition from substitute is strong 19 Competitive pressure stunning from supplier bargaining power 20 PESTEL ANALYSIS 24 SCENARIO PLANNING 56 SCENARIO NO.1 58 SCENARIO NO.2 59 SCENARIO NO.3 59 SCENARIO NO.4 60 SCENARIO NO.5 60 SCENARIO NO.6 60 SCENARIO NO.7 61 SCENARIO NO.8 61 Competitors Objectives 62 Competitor's Current Strategy 63 Competitor's Resources and Capabilities 64 Competitor’s Assumptions 66 Regional Factors 67 Value chain activities: 68 Key competitive advantages: 72 Solutions: 82 Weights of Key success factors in five airlines: 86 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE 92 FIVE GENERIC COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES: 92 LOW COST PROVIDER STRATEGIES: 92 DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES: 95 BEST-COST PROVEDER STRATEGIES: 96 FOCUS (MARKET NICHE) STRATEGY: 96 STRATEGIC ALLIANCE AND PARTNERSHIP: 97 MERGER AND ACQUISITION STRATEGIES. 98 VERTICAL INTEGRATION. 98 OUTSOURSING. 98 OFFENSIVE...
Words: 28700 - Pages: 115
...Latin America, opened their borders and led to the fast pace of globalization mentioned by Friedman. Even though these flatteners were created in the 90’s, as they came together, they had to spread, take root, and connect in order to create this flattening. It didn’t just happen overnight. Friedman mentioned in the opening of chapter two talking about his Southwest experience with them giving people the ability to print their own tickets. And then there were multiple companies developing machines that print, fax, scan, email, and make copies. Needless to say these ten factors (flatteners) that were apparently unconnected came together and create a new global platform. This new global platform (web-enabled platform) is a major part of the lives of the people in the organization I work for. I work for a Program Management Office for the Department of Defense – Army. The first and most obvious is the use of the now common machine that gives you the ability to print, fax, scan, email, and make copies. I deal with soldiers and their equipment on a daily bases. Having access to this type of technology is God sent. Where would take days and sometime weeks to...
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...1 GLOBALIZATION 2 PART 1 Globalization PART ONE Planet Starbucks T hirty years ago Starbucks was a single store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market selling premium roasted coffee. Today it is a global roaster and retailer of coffee with more than 7,600 retail stores, some 2,000 of which are to be found in 34 countries outside the United States. Starbucks Corporation set out on its current course in the 1980s when the company’s director of marketing, Howard Schultz, came back from a trip to Italy enchanted with the Italian coffeehouse experience. Schultz, who later became CEO, persuaded the company’s owners to experiment with the coffeehouse format—and the Starbucks experience was born. The basic strategy was to sell the company’s own premium roasted coffee, along with freshly brewed espresso-style coffee beverages, a variety of pastries, coffee accessories, teas, and other products, in a tastefully designed coffeehouse setting. The company also stressed providing superior customer service. Reasoning that motivated employees provide the best customer service, Starbucks executives devoted much attention to employee hiring and training programs and progressive compensation policies that gave even part-time employees stock option grants and medical benefits. The formula met with spectacular success in the United States, where Starbucks went from obscurity to one of the best known brands in the country in a decade. In 1995, with almost 700 stores across the United States...
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