........................................................................ Task A First Term Report: Companies This task is suitable for Grade 12 learners from 2014 (CAPS). Question paper ............................................................................................. Answer book ................................................................................................. 1 2 5 Task B First Term Test: Financial statements of a company This task includes shares of no par value and repurchase of shares. This task is suitable for Grade 12 learners from 2014 (CAPS). Question paper ............................................................................................. Answer book ................................................................................................. 10 14 Task C Second Term Project: Published financial statements of Famous Brands Ltd This task is suitable for Grade 12 learners from 2014 (CAPS). Combined question paper and answer book ................................................ Source material ............................................................................................ 18 25 Task D Third Term Case Study: Cash budget and debtors This task is suitable for Grade 12 learners from 2014 (CAPS). Question paper ............................................................................................. Answer book ..........................................................................................
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.................................................. Task A 1 First Term Report: Companies This task is suitable for Grade 12 learners from 2014 (CAPS). Question paper.............................................................................................. Answer book.................................................................................................. Task B 2 5 First Term Test: Financial statements of a company This task includes shares of no par value and repurchase of shares. This task is suitable for Grade 12 learners from 2014 (CAPS). Question paper.............................................................................................. Answer book.................................................................................................. Task C 10 14 Second Term Project: Published financial statements of Famous Brands Ltd This task is suitable for Grade 12 learners from 2014 (CAPS). Combined question paper and answer book................................................. Source material............................................................................................. Task D 18 25 Third Term Case Study: Cash budget and debtors This task is suitable for Grade 12 learners from 2014 (CAPS). Question paper.............................................................................................. 32 Answer book..............................................................................
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...Part 1 1. Introduction I chose topic 8 because analysis and interpretation of business and financial performance has interested me and I want to learn more about and it is the topic I feel most comfortable with having completed my ACCA studies. Writing reports and analysing business performance was covered in papers F7 and P3 and through this report I will have the opportunity to enforce practically the knowledge acquired. Moreover undertaking this research project will improve my performance at work and enhance my professional and communication skills. I work in accountancy practice and this project will be invaluable experience. I decide to write a research project on Marks & Spencer plc. and the reason being is that I had carried out an investigation on this company before and I have preliminary knowledge on its activities and the sector in which operates. Marks & Spencer is well known and reputable retailer which I personally favour as a customer. Marks and Spencer Group plc. is an international multi-channel retailer with headquarters in London, in the City of Westminster .It carries out the retailing of apparel, home products and food items. It was started as a Penny Bazar 1884 in Leeds selling only British made goods (Enc. Britannica,2004) As of 30 March 2013 the Company’s product were sold through 766 UK stores and 418 stores internationally (www.marksandspencer.com, 2013) 1.1.2 The reason for choosing the John Lewis Plc. as the comparator company John...
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...LOG BOOK CO-CURRICULUM FOR GYM SEMESTER 2 SESSION 201509 Personal Information Name : Hoe Yi Han Student’s Reg. No : 14PBD06392 I.C No : 940428-01-6717 Telephone No : 017-5188049 E-mail : yi_han0428@live.com Programme : Diploma in Business Administration Current address : AG-07, Lorong Bunga Rampai 5, Taman Pandan, 13400 Butterworth Performance Evaluation Throughout the practical session, the performance of all the students who enroll in the co-curriculum course will be evaluated through marks and graded. However, the grades will not contribute to the GPA and CGPA. Games/Sports & Cultural courses are evaluated based on the following: i. Attendance 20% ii. Log Book 20% iii. Involvement 10% iv. Achievement 10% v. Fitness Tests 40% Attendance 1. Students who are absent from the Co-curriculum course and present a letter/proof of the reasons stated below will be considered present with a remark: a. Medical Certificate (MC) b. Represent TAR College for external events c. Death of IMMEDIATE family member 2. Students who are absent with the reasons below will not be considered present: a. Involvement in club/societies/school activities b. Personal matters Course Content/ Lesson Plan Week 1 Briefing on Assessment, Rules & Regulations. Week 2 Body Mass Index, Cardio & Flexibility Exercises. Week 3 Muscle Fitness & Core Exercises. Week 4 Effort & Execution...
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...1 About TMA 04 5.2 TMA 04 Part I 29 29 5.3 Guidance notes for TMA 04 Part I 32 5.4 TMA 04 Part II 33 6 End-of-module assessment (EMA) 34 6.1 About the EMA 34 6.2 The EMA 6.3 Guidance notes for the EMA 34 34 7 Conclusion 35 1 Introduction 1 Introduction B120 An Introduction to Business Studies is assessed through five assignments: four tutor marked assignments (TMAs) and one end-of-module assessment (EMA). There is no examination. Each assignment is based on one of the five books in B120 although the EMA reviews both Book 5 and the module overall. All assignments are compulsory and must be submitted electronically by the deadline stated. 1.1 How to pass B120 To pass the module you must pass both the continuous assessment (TMAs 01–04) and the EMA. To pass the continuous assessment component you must gain an average pass mark over the four TMAs (the pass mark is 40). To pass the EMA you must...
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... | |Assessment Scheme and Schedule | |Model Question Paper (Semester End Examination (SEE)) | |Lectures Slides, Tutorials and other Learning Resource provided (See Annexure 1) | |Assignments / Course Projects | |Evaluated samples of Assignments / Course Projects (One sample each from Excellent, Average and Satisfactory Bands) (See | |Annexure 2: Hard Copy of Evaluated Project Reports) | |Quizzes and CAT-I & II question papers and...
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...Information Services Academic Skills Know-how Harvard Reference examples Referencing is done in order to: Demonstrate the evidence and research that you have undertaken to complete and support your ideas and to give appropriate credit to those sources and authors. Enable the reader to consult the same materials that you have used. The Harvard referencing system is the most frequently used style at Staffordshire and is also known as the Author-Date style. It emphasises the name of the creator of a piece of information and the date of publication, with the list of references in alphabetical order at the end of your piece of work. Some Faculties or subject areas use a different style of referencing, so you should check your module handbook for confirmation of what style is required by your tutor for a particular assignment. This guide provides examples of how a wide range of information sources should be referenced according to the Harvard style, including the order of the elements and possible punctuation to be used. For each source there are examples of how to cite within the text and how to write your list of references. If you cannot find the type of information you wish to reference included in this document please contact us at ask@staffs.ac.uk. Punctuation when using Harvard Harvard does not dictate any particular style of punctuation. Hence you might find that some Harvard references will have complete full stops after each part of the...
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...arvInformation Services Academic Skills Know-how Harvard Reference examples The Harvard referencing system is the most frequently used style at Staffordshire and is also known as the Author-Date style. It emphasises the name of the creator of a piece of information and the date of publication, with the list of references in alphabetical order at the end of your piece of work. Some Faculties or subject areas use a different style of referencing, so you should check your module handbook for confirmation of what style is required by your tutor for a particular assignment. This guide provides examples of how a wide range of information sources should be referenced according to the Harvard style, including the order of the elements and punctuation used. For each source there are examples of how to cite within the text and how to write your list of references. If you cannot find the type of information you wish to reference included in this document please contact us at ask@staffs.ac.uk. Punctuation when using Harvard Punctuation can vary when using Harvard. Hence you might find that some Harvard references will have complete full stops after each part of the reference and some may not. The generally accepted rule when using Harvard is to be consistent with your style and use of punctuation throughout your assignment. References used: Harvard formats used in this document have been based on the following texts which can be found in the Library: BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE...
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...User Administration |User Administration | | | |Module |Functionality |Integration | | | |Requirement | |General | | | | |System should have one super system administrator | | | |Super system admin shall be able to create roles for all system administrators and override | | | |the privileges created by system administrators. | | | |User credentials shall be communicated to user on the instance of creation and by system | | | |generated email. | | | |System administrators shall be able change their passwords and history shall be saved in | | | |system. ...
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...PGM1010 QUANTITATIVE DATA COLLECTION & ANALYSIS Convenor: Professor Reyer Zwiggelaar, Computer Science E-mail: rrz@aber.ac.uk Internal phone: (01970-62) 8691 Module dates: Semester one, beginning Tuesday 9th October 2012 PGM1010 Timetable: please go to http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/grad-school/res-skills-training/res-train-dev/mod-timetable/ Module Overview: This module is taught in lectures and practical classes. This includes sessions on quantitative methods and an appropriate statistical package. Module aims: This module aims to give students a broad knowledge of a range of methodological and analytical skills, which they can apply in a variety of research contexts. As well as giving students a grounding in the basic principles of quantitative research methodology, the module will (i) look at how data can be described, (ii) introduce a range of statistical tests commonly used, and (iii) explore what the results mean in terms of the research question posed. The module comprises lectures, and the delivery will involve hands-on lab work using an appropriate statistical package. Module Objective Learning Outcomes: On completion of this module, students should be able to demonstrate: • An ability to apply a variety of different statistical methods to their research project. • An ability to collect, store, manage, test and interpret data. • An understanding of the epistemological and methodological difficulties associated with different techniques. • An...
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...Assessment detail Assessment 1: Individual Assignment Weighting: 20% Final Essay Length: 2000 words Due: Final submission due Week 6 (Friday, 29th August, 11.55pm). Assignments must be submitted through Turnitin. Description: The role of power and politics in organisations. Power and politics are very much part of organizational life. To succeed managers need to understand the meaning of power and politics, how power is acquired and how politics should be utilised. Power and politics may be the sources of solutions but can create problems in organisation. This essay asks you to explore the issues associated with power and politics in organisational life. Your essay should include the following: • Define the concept of power in the workplace. • Define the concept of politics in the workplace. • Explain how a manger could work to acquire power. • Explain how a ...
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...Program) COMPULSORY COURSES MBA-II Semester-IV Sub Name: - Comprehensive Project Report – Industry Defined Problem (CP-IDP) Sub Code: - 2830004 In addition to Major Specializations, there will be over sixty Sectorial / Industry Areas for Practical studies in which theoretical papers / books are not to be taught in regular classroom sessions, but the teachers and students are free to use any available books, publications and online material to understand and guide the students for various sectors. Ideally, a teacher should study and specialize in at least TWO Sectors, so four teachers can guide 60 students in a class. (Reference: Appendix 1: List of Sectorial Areas for Comprehensive Project study given in Sem III Syllabus). This report is similar to the Grand Project, which was the part of earlier syllabus. The Comprehensive Project Report is based on the research methodology and students have to prepare the research report by using appropriate scientific statistical research tools for preparation of the CP in consultation with the faculty guide. (Please also refer the Guidelines for CP in MBA Semester III, as the same Project Title continues in Semester IV). A student has to opt for any ONE of the Sectorial Areas and study it thoroughly. The students may undertake the CP based on the selection of an Industry Defined Problem (IDP), if possible for conducting his/her Project. The work of the CP report is divided in Semester -III and Semester -IV and students have to undertake the...
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...and the Chicago Manual of Style. This guide is based on an Australian style manual (AGPS style) now revised by Snooks & Co, 2002. Note: Before you create your list of references, check with your lecturer or tutor for the bibliographic style preferred by the School. Keep in mind the following points: • • Write down all the citation details of a source as you use it. Place quotation marks “ “ around a direct quote and include page number(s) when quoting directly. Insert brief citations at the appropriate places in the text of your document. Compile a reference list at the end of the document that includes full details of all references cited. In-text citations: In an author-date style, in-text citations usually require the name of the author(s) and the year of publication. A page number is included if you have a direct quote, paraphrase a passage or you want to direct the reader to a specific page. Page numbers may also be included if you are referring to a long work and the page numbers might be useful to the reader. How to create a reference list/bibliography A reference list contains only the books, articles, and web pages etc that are cited in the text of the document. A bibliography includes all...
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...activities and their management Deliverables This group assignment represents 50% of the total marks for this module. This assignment is divided into 2 parts: Part A - Report (70%) Part B - Presentation (30%) The group report length should be 1,500 words. You should state the number of words used on the cover of the assignment. You may include diagrams or figures, reference and bibliography lists and any appendices without word penalty. The standard sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed. The penalties will be as follows: |1 -10% excess |no penalty | |11-20% excess |3 marks reduction | |21-30% excess |6 marks reduction | |31-40% excess |9 marks reduction | Instructions You are required to use relevant sources to support your answer and the application within ANY of the organizations given below: - Maxis - Maybank - Coffee Bean - Starbucks - IBM - Lenovo - CIMB - Petronas - Apple Inc - Microsoft Part A - Report Write a group report on the contribution that any Two Mega environmental factors and Two Task environmental factors have on the success...
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...Nature of the Assignment: Book Review The assignment will involve a book review. It will be a group based assignment in which the students from each group will have to go through a book reading, Critically analyze the book, derive the concepts embedded within and relate it to the theories studied in relation to Individual dynamics and leadership. The Objectives of the Study for the Students: * To understand and analyze the varied pattern of human behavior * To develop the ability to draw inferences with respect to work behavior and relate it to the concepts being studied in the course ‘Individual Dynamics and Leadership’ in the present Trimester Based on the above broad objective the assignment should be able to cover at least the following specific objectives: i) The critical analysis of each chapter (if written chapter wise) / part wise in the book. ii) Interpreting the behavioral theories from the writings. iii) Relating theories to practical behavior. iv) Your learning from this exercise. v) Group processes followed and peer evaluation of interpersonal skills of group members Method of Study: The students will have to identify a relevant book and take approval from the faculty for the same. The book can be selected by taking a cue from the following categories; * Autobiography or biography, * Management/business history * Motivational Guidelines for the Structure of the Report: The report is to cover the topics...
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