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Law 122 Notes


Submitted By dinamilijasevic
Words 5644
Pages 23
Week 1- Law 122 : Why study law 1. Business decisions have legal consequences which affect profits and losses: * Some decisions impose liability, others create opportunities * Negative: dumping pollutants into environment * Positive: binding contractual party to promise 2. Risk mgmt. tool: Law sets the framework for risk, it gives you tools to manage the risk * Ex. Insurance, exclusion and limitation clauses, incorporation Dimensions of course 1. 2. Risk mgmt. 3. Legal reasoning: rules and analysis 4. Law/ moral dimensions

What is law? * A set of principle and rules that courts will enforce * A way of thinking (or reasoning) about these principles and rules better description. Process determines legal reasoning * It is not just the result of a case that matters. The reasons for the result are where law happens. Law is bound up in the reasoning. So it is important to ask “why” and “how” not just “who won”. Law vs. Mortality
Law: formally sanctioned, illegal behaviour
Morality: informally sanctioned, moral behaviour 1. 2. Immoral but not illegal * Lying to friends 3. Immoral and illegal * murder 4. Moral but illegal

Ethical perspective 1.1 pg.6
Can I watch someone drop without incurring legal liability?
If I can legally do it,should i? Ethically is it okay? Ethical reasoning: * Focus on why something is ethically right or wrong, not just whether it is right or wrong
4 types
When values collide, we can use different modes of analysis to make good judgments in hard cases 1. Consequences: the greatest good for the greatest number. Moral if consequences are good and vice versa 2. Rights and duties: respect rights and perform your duties 3. Justice and fairness: give people their just desserts,

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