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Case Study: Latin America


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Case Study: Latin America and the Catholic Church
By: Cody L. Bennett

Being sided from revolts of people against the government by reform-minded Catholics in Nicaragua, the pope did the opposite for what these Catholics hoped that he would do for them. They were hoping that Pope John Paul II would speak out against the problems of the country. The sort of problems facing this country was starvation, poverty, and corruption exposed and held by the government. However, Pope John Paul II did the exact opposite by speaking about how they should, “ You peasants live in unjust and inhuman conditions but don’t be tempted to rise up in arms against your oppressors; and Archbishop Romero was a martyr but we must not allow his memory to be manipulated politically, etc., etc (Hoyt, 1996).” This gave way of how the Pope showed his intent of standing firm on what he believed what the Catholics of Nicaragua should do in response to their government. For the Catholics of Nicaragua, this was not enough. They started chanting sayings for what they wanted, which in deep meaning was to live in peace with God. However, Pope John Paul II stood firm without giving way to a mob of Catholics confronting the government physically. This was shown by how a man, Daniel Ortega, gave a speech to the Pope as he was making his way to his plane for departure. Daniel gave such an inspiring speech that to some it seemed that the Pope would make a response that met for what they wanted from him. “He almost begged the Pope to make one solid proposal for peace in Nicaragua, to say one word,” yet the Pope did not make one notification for what he heard. He only replied by still standing his ground for giving the people not what they wanted. “The British announcer, in typical understatement, said that the Pope had just finished saying the ‘most unusual Mass of his career in Managua, Nicaragua’

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