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Cats: High Protein Diet

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INTRO (300) Cats are obligate carnivores which have evolved entirely to capture, eat, digest and property absorb animal tissue. They have evolved a musculoskeletal system to easily capture prey, along with teeth to properly eat, which are completely different from those of herbivores. Their intestinal tracts have even gotten shorter since it is much easier to digest animal products. [NCIB] Cats lack the genetic, biochemical and behavior adaptations to be able to live on an omnivorous diet. Cats will choose to have a high protein diet very similar to those of the wild cats [NCIB] They rely on the nutrients that come from animal products exclusively. [CORNELL] Cats metabolism has evolved in a way that they no longer synthesize some of the essential …show more content…
Amino acids are a good example and have become essential in their diet. Taurine is an organic molecule that is essential in the diets of cats since they cannot synthesize it themselves. Protein should be the number one and highest quantity in any feline diet. It provides the cats with the energy they need and is essential for normal growth and development. Protein from meats, fish, eggs and poultry, contain the essential amino acids for cats. There is also protein in grains and legumes, but these do not provide all the essential amino acids needed, hence why cats are known as obligate carnivores. Fats are also an essential part of any healthy feline diet and linoleic acid and arachidonic acid are considered essential for cats. These are important for vision, reproduction and immune health. Unlike herbivores and omnivores, cats cannot efficiently convert plant essential fatty acids to their derivatives needed for metabolism. [FELINE NUTRITION] In the long list of dietary needs of cats, carbohydrates are not among the essential nutrients. There is no known dietary carbohydrate needed for cats and they truly do not have any use for them. …show more content…
[PETS.WEBMD] With dogs it can be argued that they can live off merely a plant-based diet because their bodies are able to metabolize it for energy, but with cats it goes against their physiology and their evolution. [PETS.WEBMD] Cats may thrive on vegetarian diets, but the food producing companies must ensure that the diets are nutritionally complete and balanced. Some argue that cats require specific nutrients and it doesn’t matter from what ingredients they get it from. In theory, a vegetarian diet that synthetically has all the nutrients needed by a cat, should be perfectly fine and the animal should thrive on it. [NCIB] Owners then have the obligation to monitor their animals to ensure that they are staying healthy. If the diet is properly balanced there shouldn’t be an issue, but the urine acidity should be monitored and corrected if need be. [NCIB] If the cat ends up with a more alkaline urine, this can result in urinary stones and blockages, especially in males.

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