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Charlie Chaplin Research Paper

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Throughout our lives it’s near impossible to experience hardships and create troubles for ourselves. Charlie Chaplin, one of the most iconic figures during the 1920’s, known for making people laugh was prone to these struggles as well. Chaplin started acting as young as nine years old. At this point, His father had died and his mother suffered an illness that would later send her to a mental asylum. This left him and his brother Sydney to survive on their own. With poverty and the lack of parental support, it was difficult for him to focus on his career. Although he worked hard which overtime helped Chaplin claim the title ‘King of Comedy’. During the course of his life, Chaplin married and divorced acrimoniously to three woman until finally settling down for his fourth wife, Oona O’Neill. Attached to these divorces was legal issue and unkind …show more content…
My struggle is my habit of overthinking every aspect of my life and over analyzing the interactions I have. My mind surrounds itself around how other people think of me and comparing my self worth to everyone else. It’s a habit I’ve been trying to break and only recently have I been successful in accomplishing that. This fear has created problem inside my mind that don’t even exist. Which creates fears and prevents me from taking a leap in a new direction because anything new freaks me out. It can be as simple as talking in front of a crowd. I can prepare myself adequately but once I step up and begin my mind goes blank. My breath becomes shorter as I suddenly forget my whole speech and what i'm even talking about. I realize now that I just need to let go of these doubts and worries because whatever mistake I make won't be permanent and that one day I’ll be laughing about it. Making a fool out of myself now most likely won’t affect me five years from

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