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Chewing Gum Research Paper

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Human Beings have been chewing gum for a long time , dating back to the Ancient Times ( Nix 1). People chew gum for different reasons for instance it can be so they have fresh breath, simply enjoy chewing gum, or out of boredom . If people are given the choice to pick between mint or fruit gum, which gum flavor would they choose and why ? And from fruit and mint gum , which favor will last longer ? Mint Gum usually contains Magnolia Bark Extract (MBE) which are effective against bacteria. In addition , studies show mint containing 0.2% MBE reduce more than 99.9% of three oral bacterias in 5 minutes of treatment. Fruit Gum contains artificial flavors , coloring , and Aspartame , artificial sweetener . If you give people the option of peppermint

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