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Chicago City Descriptive Essay

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Red countering white, both fight for the attention desperately needed to keep all tires on course. An almost three-hundred and sixty degree view, yet I can’t see the road ahead because my eyes are focused on both horizons. One side constant, and one side flashes, the perfect balance between urban and rural. The Chicago skyline is barely visible in the rapidly falling sun, but the faint silhouette of the *Sears* tower remains as constant as the faux light that radiates from the surrounding sky. Directly opposite, the brief rouge flashes, from the windmills I’ve only once visited, echo each other in a pattern so fast it can be missed in as little as a blink.
The momentary solace found within the clashing worlds of city and country is cut short …show more content…
Perhaps it can even be once the elation of the pending adventure vacates your chest, leaving your pounding heart with no further reason to race, which can be far before you even reach Chicago.
However, while I can leave the physical ground on which the skyscrapers live, I can’t escape the feeling of wonder that stabs at my stomach and throat when I see the distinct outline of my future home. And though I perceive this city as my gate to what I’ve never been, it also crashes into my brain the reality of what I always will be— just another “country” girl.
I am defined by others, and when passion and motivation falls short of what’s necessary to continue, I am seen as a failure. While it’s so easy to accept that I will remain in this rut, the way the windmills continue to spin, even on a still day, prove that if I were to stop trying, to stop pushing, to stop believing, I would halt, and be forever stuck by the inertia of what I’ve become; I would be unable to ever leave this Podunk town, worthy of no

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