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Child Hood Chapter Summary

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Moore describes the culture of the streets vividly, where young boys grow up believing that violence transforms them into men, vividly. He describes the violence, drug deling, and disdain for education in which young boys must go through in the streets. For example, the other west’s brother, Tony, grew up in the Murphy Homes which was among the most dangerous projects in all of Baltimore. Wes describes the Homes to have walls and floors full of graffiti and filth. Stairwyas filled with urine-scent. Also, teenagers carried guns on their waist due to the drug game. Wes describes Tony dealing drugs at the age of ten and by age fourteen he already had a reputation. At the age of eighteen, he was a veteran of the drug game and He described how Tony took over other territories of Baltimore through shootouts. Tony taught Wes that violence made him into man when he would have boys in the murphy homes circle around Woody and him and have wrestle and punch each other. There, Tony taught him the rules of life such as if someone disrespects you, you send a message that they won’t try it again. As a result, when the other wes was younger he went out into the streets with a knife to try and …show more content…
He describes how in the school his mother went to you were lucky if you were in the 50% who graduated in the four years. For young boys, school was not where you went for education but it was where you got your reputation. For example, when Wes is speaking with his friends one of the boys insists on priding him of his private school life. Since school was about reputation, Wes responds by saying “ Let tell you how i run things up there,”, Also, a quote that impacted me the most in the novel was when the author stated “I learned that the way governors projected the numbers of bed the’d need for prison facilities was by examinng the read scores of third

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