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Coat Of Arms Research Paper

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Coat of Arms Essay
I have finish my coat of arms for my senior project. In my coat of arm, I choose computer, house, star, and heart for my shield elements. On the side I have a crown, a book, a ribbon, and two dragon.
Inside my shield I have a computer, which represent my future job, and what I am going to study in the college. I use blue as my background because I think the knowledges of computer is like ocean, it is big and deep. Another picture is a star with the flag of the United States of America. This star is represent I have a American dream, I want to accomplish my dream, and I love America. I pick bronze as my background color because it represent the land of America, where the American flag is standing. The heart with fire is my third picture because I think I have a warm heart. I like to help people, and I want to keep this kind heart forever. I pick dark blue as my background because I …show more content…
Book is being part of my live. I color my book in red and green because green means hope, and joy, which I am enjoy reading the books. The red means that I will be never give up on learn new things. On two side I have two dragons. Dragons represent treasure protector. To me, my treasure will be my family, which I will be stand on my family’s side forever, and protect them from danger. One of the dragon is black, and another one is white, the color can be represent the “yin and yang”. This symbol represent the balance. I hope I can have balance inside myself. Under my shield I have a ribbon in green with a motto from Winston Churchill, “courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. I pick this as my motto, because I am a shy person, I don’t like to stand up and speak, but I can do really well on the second part, which I can be sit down ,and listen. I hope this motto can give to courage in future, and I can become a good public

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