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Common Basketball Injury Research Paper

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Common Basketball Injuries and Their Immediate Management

Basketball is probably the most popular sport, with millions of basketball fans and enthusiasts all over the world. The sport can be played both indoors and outdoors by fans of any age and sex. Just like any other sports activity, playing basketball has a lot of benefits owing to the amount of physical movement and body coordination being developed when playing the game.

A basketball game, however, is not free from risks. Since it is a contact sport involving intermittent bursts of speed and quick stops and turns, certain injuries can happen during a game.

A 2009 report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission has shown that over 170,000 children who are 5-14 years old are treated in emergency rooms due to basketball injuries. Likewise, a 2010 …show more content…
Sprained thumb and other finger injuries
A sprain is an injury to the ligament. You can have a sprained thumb when you use your hand to break a fall, during sudden impact, or simply because of repetitive movements when handling and dribbling the ball. It can limit your ability to move your thumb, affecting your ball handling. Pain, stiffness, swelling, and bruising can also manifest in the affected thumb.

Other finger injuries include minor cuts, jammed finger, dislocation, and fracture. Fractures must be ruled out through an X-ray even if you already suspect a case of sprain, dislocation, or jammed finger, just to confirm.

For mild sprain of the thumb, applying a thumb splint might suffice. Immobilization and splinting of the affected fingers must be done immediately to prevent further damage. If the injury is severe, a surgical intervention might be needed.

2. Ankle sprain
Lateral ankle sprain injuries are the most common basketball injuries. You can sprain your ankle during a sudden twisting motion, or when you lose footing, causing your foot to roll inward or outward. An ankle sprain can be mild or severe, depending on the damage the ligament

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