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Submitted By fredhong
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Pages 2
With regard to the first article, the major actor was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for more than two years already. At that time, Christmas was coming soon. However, it’s a sure thing that he couldn’t go home for Christmas. Despite the severe rules in prison, those prisoners still want to communicate to others through a simple system of tap code. Because of that, the main actor’s neighbor, named Ernie Brace was trying to talk with him. It soon became a sentence which could cheer themselves up. No matter how bad the situation was, they still could do communication in order to encourage each other and lifted the spirits. Team talk is one of the most important things to maintain team dynamics. From the article, I realize that “talk” is a tool for changing a team’s destination and also plays an important role in a team work. Team dynamics can be formulated by individual values, motives and abilities. Sometimes, different opinions and interests would create inevitable conflict, but conflict is critical to team effectiveness. Thus, teams need to negotiate in order to resolve the crises. The conclusion is “team talk” is extremely essential and influential in shaping team dynamics. After reading those articles, I realize that communication is one of the most important aspects of group interaction. It can be the very powerful role that plays in one’s very survival. In the second reading, I can learn the better way of team talk and I know that team talk is very influential for team dynamics. So I will assimilate those useful ideas from the book and make good use of them in my small group communication. I hope we are in a real team but not a nominal team.

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Leonardo Da Vinci

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