...Proposal for: Consumer Sleeve Length Preference In Relation to the West Nile Virus Threat(s) Relational (Explanatory) Hypothesis The hypothesis for our management dilemma is based on the implication that there is a shift in consumer sleeve length preferences based on the on-going West Nile Virus threat. News of an on-going and/or fresh West Nile Virus outbreak may continue and intensify consumer preferences during the next summer season. Variables Based on the relational or explanatory hypothesis that news of an on-going and/or fresh West Nile Virus outbreak may continue and intensify consumer preferences during the next summer season reveals that the variables in this study are identified as follows: * Independent variable is the on-going and/or fresh West Nile Virus threat * Dependent variable is the shift in consumer preferences Research Design Experimental research design is appropriate when one wishes to discover whether certain variables produce effects on other variables. Experimentation provides the most powerful support possible for a hypothesis of causation. With an ex post facto design, the investigators have no control over the variables in the sense of being able to manipulate them. It can only be reported of what has happened or what is happening. Researchers are limited by holding factors constant with judicious selection of subjects with strict sampling procedures and by statistical manipulation of findings. In an experiment, the...
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...REG. NO. -10805838 ACKNOWLEGMENT Firstly, i would like to give special thanks to my teacher Mr. LOKESH JASRAI who give me such type of opportunities to write my own views and ideas on a particular topic so that i can increase my knowledge about this topic and i can represent myself as good as i can. Secondly i also thanks all my friends to help me to complete this project at every time. INTRODUCTION OF RAID AND TAYLOR T-SHIRTS: REID AND TAYLOR T-shirts are multi-functional garment worn by all age groups as innerwear and outerwear. They are simply constructed garments that consist of a front and a back, sleeves and a neckline. A few styles may also have pockets. Many styles are now considered unisex. Fashion maybe reflected in oversize styling, deep armhole, cutoff lengths and fitted body. Seasonal changes in T-shirts maybe reflected in sleeve length, color and fabric weight. Reversible T-shirts may be made with two layers of fabric. Plain T-shirts are often referred to as Blanks for the imprint market. Printed T-shirt, which appeal to both males and females, provide humor, ideas or interests. They provide identity through screen printed or heat transfer applications of lettering, logos and licensed designs. Designs provide intrinsic appeal beyond the intrinsic value of the garment. MARKETING MIX OF RAID AND TAYLOR T-SHIRTS: (PRODUCT, PRICE , PLACEMENT AND POSITIONING) PRODUCT: In simpler terms, product includes all features and combination of goods...
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...such as custom costumes for Halloween or fan conventions, regalia for graduation, and formal wear for any occasion. Currently, The Fairy Godmother does not have an advertising campaign and is relying solely on word-of-mouth promotion. The owner decided to move the company online and pursue a more active involvement in marketing with the hope of raising awareness and boosting sales. The owner had not considered going online with The Fairy Godmother until a former customer recently contacted her from Georgia. The former customer was in need of a new drag show costume. The customer had himself measured and then communicated with the Fairy Godmother via phone and email. The communications included pictures, sizing, fabric, and style preferences. With the all of these necessary pieces, the owner created and shipped her first non-local order. This transaction went very smoothly. The customer received the order within the given time parameters; furthermore, it was exactly the style he requested and the clothes fit perfectly. This customer was approached by several co-workers about the new costume. He gave them The Fairy Godmother’s contact information so they could call or email the owner. With this new customer base, the owner has decided that it is now viable to have a website and to begin an advertising campaign to attract more long distance business....
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...(CCD) IN REGARD TO CONSUMER TASTES AND PREFERENCES ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In performing my assignment, I had to take the help and guideline of some respected persons, who deserve my greatest gratitude. The completion of this assignment gives me much Pleasure. I would like to show my gratitude to Mr Anish Yousef, Mentor, Q1410 for giving me a good guideline for assignment throughout numerous consultations. I would also like to expand my deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided me in writing this assignment. In addition, a thank you to Varun Sir, who introduced me to the Methodology of work, and whose passion for research methodology has long lasting effect Many people, especially my classmates and team members itself, have made valuable comment suggestions on this proposal which gave me an inspiration to improve my assignment. I thank all the people for their help directly and indirectly to complete my assignment. AMBUJ VERMA DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project entitled “BRAND PERCEPTION OF CAFÉ COFFEE DAY (CCD) IN REGARD TO CONSUMER TASTES AND PREFERENCES” submitted for the CA 2 is my original work and the project has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar titles. (AMBUJ VERMA) Place: Date: Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 5 Literature Review 6 THE DEFENDING CHAMPION 7 UPHILL TASK 8 TREND FORECAST 8 TARGETING DIFFERENT CONSUMERS 8 APPEAL TO YOUTH...
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...Session 2007-11 Submitted to: MR.SHAHZAD GHAFOOR Submitted by: SAMI-UL-HASSAN REG NO: MBA-FA10-084 DEDICATED TO Our worthy parents and the Respected teachers who Always try to find ways And thinks to provide which We do not know and don’t have Table of Content SERIAL NO. | SUBJECTS | | PAGE No. | | 01 | ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | | 05 | | 02 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | | 06 | | 03 | COMPANY INTRODUCTION | | 07 | | 04 | Departmentation | | 24 | | I | H R. DEPARTMENT | | 25 | | II | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | | 30 | | III | MERCHANDISING DEPTT. | | 36 | | IV | PPC DEPTT. | | 43 | | V | PRODUCTION DEPTT. | | 48 | | VI | FINISHING DEPTT. | | 52 | | VII | QUALITY CONTROL DEPTT. | | 57 | | VIII | QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPTT. | | 59 | | IX | FORWARDING DEPARTMENT | | 60 | | X | PROCUREMENT DEPTT. | | 67 | | XI | STORE DEPTT. | | 68 | | XII | INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERIN | | 70 | | XIII | FINANCE DEPARTMENT | | 72 | | 5 | PEST ANALYSIS | | 100 | | 6 | SWOT ANALYSIS | | 105 | | 7 | SUGGESTIONS | | 114 | | 8 | CONCLUSIONS | | 115 | | Acknowledgement All praises are for Allah almighty that has bestowed upon human being the crown of creation and has endowed him with knowledge and wisdom. After Allah, is the last...
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...and demand; to provide consumers with a selection of goods and services that satisfy their needs profitably. During the last 30 years, retailers have made considerable progress on the supply side, developing sophisticated logistical systems to streamline product distribution, manage inventory, allocate shelf space efficiently, and replenish stocks on a just-in-time basis. Stores can now do a much better job of providing consumers with the right product at the right place at the right time. The news is not as good on the demand side. Retailers continue to have difficulty creating shopping environments that engage consumers’ needs and convert these desires to purchases. One critical concern is with product proliferation and duplication. Manufacturers rely heavily on line extensions to increase volume, and retailers (often mistakenly) believe stocking more products means selling more products. This has led to an explosion in the number of products available in many retail channels. In the 1950’s, a typical U.S. grocery store carried about 5,000 different items; in the 1990’s, the number topped 30,000. Today, a supercenter carries upwards of 100,000 products! This dramatic increase in the number of products and the expanding footprint of retail stores has made it increasingly difficult for consumers to find their way through stores, differentiate between brands, and assess product quality. In a 2001 consumer survey reported by Marketing Week, 75% of consumers agreed, “These days there...
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...Consultant’s Guide to Park Design and Development City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department November 2004 City of San Diego Park & Recreation Department January 2005 (REVISION: 5/23/05 Revised Appendix ‘M’; 6/6/05 Revised Appendix ‘N’; 2/2/06 Added Appendix ‘O’; Revised Item page 36-37; Item J page 85, # 3, #4) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department Director, Ted Medina Deputy Director Community Parks I Division Deputy Director Developed Regional Parks Division Deputy Director Community Parks II Division Deputy Director Open Space Division Deputy Director Park Planning & Development Division, April Penera City Staff Sheila Bose, Park Planning & Development Division Div Brasted, Developed Regional Parks Division Tom Cartier, Public Buildings and Parks Division Charles Daniels, Park Planning & Development Division Hossein Motamani, Park Planning & Development Janine Anderson, Developed Regional Parks Division Mark Marney, Park Planning & Development Division John Montoya, Facilities Maintenance Division Kevin Oliver, Park Planning & Development Division Jim Winter, Park Planning & Development Division L. Clark Ritter, Park Planning & Development Division Tina Huang, Park Planning & Development Division Kelly Rodgers, Park Planning & Development Division Todd Schmit, Park Planning & Development Division Deborah Sharpe, Park Planning & Development...
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...UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION STRATEGY ANALYSIS & EVALUATION ASSIGNMENT 2005 The VSM Group Prepared by: Name Intake Reg No. Ivan HO MacNab 200455775 Vui Soon HO MacMaster 200352369 Franco LEE MacNab 200492442 Kim Loong NG MacNeil 200459087 Roland TAN MacNeil 200459176 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2 VSM GROUP 1 2.1 Organisational Purpose 1 2.2 Corporate Governance 2 2.3 Stakeholders 2 2.4 Organisational Performance 2 3 MACRO ENVIRONMENT 2 3.1 PESTEL Analysis 2 3.2 Scenario Building 3 4 SEWING MACHINE INDUSTRY 3 4.1 Global Business Environment 3 4.2 Market Analysis & Structure 3 4.3 Industry Analysis 4 4.4 Competitor Analysis 4 4.4.1 Market Segmentation 4 4.4.2 Strategic Group Analysis (SGA) 5 4.4.3 Customer Value 5 5 STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES 6 5.1 Resources and Competencies 6 5.2 Diagnosing Strategic Capability 6 5.3 Development of New Competencies 7 6 COMPETITIVE/BUSINESS STRATEGY 7 6.1 Basis of Competition 7 6.2 Sustaining Competitive Advantage 7 6.3 Basis of Future Competitive Strategy 7 7 STRATEGIC OPTIONS 8 7.1 Improvement on Operating Profits 8 7.1.1 Production Relocation 8 7.1.2 Revenue Growth 8 7.2 Long-term Growth and Strategies 8 7.2.1 Market Diversification 9 7.2.2 Revenue Diversification...
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...International in Tetra Pak Pakistan Limited to manufacture paperboard for liquid food packaging and to market Tetra Pak packaging equipment. Packages commissioned its own paper mill with a production capacity of 24,000 tonnes in 1968. The mill produces paper and paperboard based on waste paper and agricultural by-products like wheat straw and river grass. With growing demand the capacity was increased periodically and in 2003 was nearly 100,000 tonnes per year. In the beginning 22 Swedish Experts came to Pakistan to run the factory and to train the Pakistani staff. Packages Limited was established in 1957 as a joint venture between the Ali Group of Pakistan and Akerlund & Rausing of Sweden, to convert paper and Paperboard into packaging for consumer industry in 1958 production of packaging cartons for different industries started packaging. Cartons include soaps, biscuits, cigarettes, tea, and pharmaceutical products and many others. a joint venture agreement was signed with Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan for the manufacture of Polypropylene films at the Industrial Estate in Hattar, NWFP. This project, called Tri-Pack Films Limited, commenced production...
Words: 26025 - Pages: 105
...E.COMMERCE REPORT BUSINESS MODULE ABOUT (www.ebay.com):- Introduction: Founded on 1995 by Pierre Omidyar, eBay was considered a pioneer in the online auction industry whereby people are brought together on a local, national and international basis to serve the purpose of creating a person-to-person community where ever individual could have an equal access through the same medium which is the Internet. eBay offers wide varieties of products and services for bargain hunters, hobbyists and collectors and sellers, changing the way people engage in trading hence eBay had changed the face of e-commerce from its inception. Today, eBay is continuously the brand preference with over 39 market presence and with $60 billion of the total value of sold items on the site’s trading platform. eBay’s Business Model eBay’s business model was based on creating and maintaining a person-to-person trading community. After implementing their model, eBay has been able to build strategic partnerships, continue to make innovative changes and improvements, and monitor its internal and external environments for possible future opportunities. This has given them the prestige of being the world’s largest online auction company. eBay’s business model was based on creating and maintaining a person-to-person trading community. This allows buyers to easily search for what they want to purchase. It also allows sellers to post their items minutes after they have registered. There are a few specific...
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...lululemon athletica “Do you lulu?” Marketing Campaign 2011-2012 Table of Contents pg. 3 pg. 6 pg. 7 pg. 9 pg. 10 pg. 11 pg. 15 pg. 17 pg. 22 pg. 43 pg. 46 pg. 47 Introduction Executive Summary Research Objectives Situation Analysis Consumer Analysis Industry Analysis Broad Overall Analysis Strategies and Plans Timeline and Budgets Summary References and Appendices Introduction Bulldog Marketing is a marketing communications firm based out of Houston, Texas, that has extensive education and experience with building brand awareness and online sales. Our team members have an eclectic background in business, marketing, digital marketing, media relations, new and social media, and public relations. Our proven results as a team speak for themselves, as we have created successful campaigns and strategies for a number of high-caliber clients. We chose to focus on lululemon athletica because we feel the brand has very strong potential in the U.S. market. lululemon has strong sales and is growing at a fast rate every year. Since lululemon is a Canadian-based brand, the brand awareness in the United States as yet to reach its full potential. We at Bulldog Marketing feel that our combined experience coupled with lululemon’s strong branding that already exists in other markets will prove to be successful. We look forward to working with you in the months ahead and building the lululemon brand. 3 Meet the Team Nicole Grandy has...
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...http://www.seu.ac.bd/ 1 Project Description Company Name: Status: Type: Managing Director: Product Mix: 100% cotton, 100% polyester a) Spun b) Filament Nylon Chief Value Cotton (CVC) Polyester Cotton blend Gray mélange (15% Viscose 85% cotton 10% Viscose 90% cotton 30% Viscose 70% cotton) Ash mélange (1% Viscose 99% cotton) Year of establishment: Project Cost: Turnover: Production capacity: 1993 About 1500 core TAKA About 100 crore TAKA/year - Knitting: 22 tons/day (Average) - Dyeing: 20 ton/day (Average) - Garments: 60000 pcs/day Main Production: Basic T-Shirt, Tank top, Long Sleeve, T-Shirt, Polo Shirt, Shorts, Hoody, Ladies & Kids Knitwear all kinds of knit Garments & Knit fabrics. Epyllion Group Private Company 100% Export oriented knit composite Industry. Riaz uddin al Mamun Major buyers : Mark & Spencer (M&S), G-Star, Celio, C&A http://www.seu.ac.bd/ 2 Address: Factory: Epyllio n Knit t ex & Epyllio n St yle Lt d. Jangaliapara, Banglabazar, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh Plot # I/1, Road # 06, Section # 07, Mirpur I/A, Dhaka-1216. Bangladesh Tel: +880-2-9006028, 9006747, 9013897, Fax # 880-2-9007978, 9016994, Corporate office: Website: www.epylliongroup.com http://www.seu.ac.bd/ 3 http://www.seu.ac.bd/ 4 http://www.seu.ac.bd/ 5 History through time In the whole animal kingdom, only human being needs garment. Bengal Cotton Fabrics used to be exported to the Roman and Chinese empires as mentioned in Ptolemy's Geography and the Periplus of the Erythraean...
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...STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PAPER ZARA Created By: Anggita Sulisetiasih 1006718706 Kenji Wibawa Junardy 1006718990 Patricia M. A. Adam 1006805694 International Undergraduate Program Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia Depok 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 4 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1. Company Background 4 1.2. Vision and Mission 4 1.3. Long-term Objectives 5 Chapter 2 6 VISION – MISSION ANALYSIS 6 2.1. Importance (Benefits) of Vision and Mission Statements 6 2.2. Characteristic of a Mission Statement 7 2.3. Mission Statement Components 8 2.4. Vision and Mission Relation: Is It Achievable? 10 Chapter 3 11 EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT 11 3.1 Michael Porter’s Five-Forces Model 11 3.2 External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix 13 3.3 Competitive Profile Matrix 15 Chapter 4 19 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 19 4.1 Resource-Based View Analysis 19 4.2 The Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix 22 4.3 Financial Analysis 27 Chapter 5 33 STRATEGIES IN ACTION 33 5.1 The Strategies 33 5.2 Michael Porter’s Five Generic Strategies 34 Chapter 6 36 STRATEGY ANALYSIS AND CHOICE 36 6.1 The Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix 36 6.2 The Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix 37 6.3 The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix 39 6.4 The Internal-External (IE) Matrix 40 6.5 The Grand Strategy Matrix 41 6.6 The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) 44 Chapter 7 46 IMPLEMENTING...
Words: 14830 - Pages: 60
...STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PAPER ZARA Created By: Anggita Sulisetiasih 1006718706 Kenji Wibawa Junardy 1006718990 Patricia M. A. Adam 1006805694 International Undergraduate Program Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia Depok 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 4 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1. Company Background 4 1.2. Vision and Mission 4 1.3. Long-term Objectives 5 Chapter 2 6 VISION – MISSION ANALYSIS 6 2.1. Importance (Benefits) of Vision and Mission Statements 6 2.2. Characteristic of a Mission Statement 7 2.3. Mission Statement Components 8 2.4. Vision and Mission Relation: Is It Achievable? 10 Chapter 3 11 EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT 11 3.1 Michael Porter’s Five-Forces Model 11 3.2 External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix 13 3.3 Competitive Profile Matrix 15 Chapter 4 19 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT 19 4.1 Resource-Based View Analysis 19 4.2 The Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix 22 4.3 Financial Analysis 27 Chapter 5 33 STRATEGIES IN ACTION 33 5.1 The Strategies 33 5.2 Michael Porter’s Five Generic Strategies 34 Chapter 6 36 STRATEGY ANALYSIS AND CHOICE 36 6.1 The Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix 36 6.2 The Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix 37 6.3 The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix 39 6.4 The Internal-External (IE) Matrix 40 6.5 The Grand Strategy Matrix 41 6.6 The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) 44 Chapter 7 46 IMPLEMENTING...
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...Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 4 Quality of life 4 1.1 Company Profile 9 1.1.2 Name of Company 9 1.1.3 Company History 9 1.1.4 Vision & Mission & Core value 11 1.1.5 Business Objectives 12 1.1.6 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 13 1.2 Leadership Profile 14 1.3 Product Profile 16 CHAPTER 2 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 17 2.0 Porter’s Five Forces 17 2.1 Intensity of rivalry among existing competitors 17 2.2 Threats of entry 18 2.3 Threat of substitutes 20 2.4 Bargaining power of supplier 20 2.5 Bargaining power of consumers 21 CHAPTER 3 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS 22 3.0 PEST Analysis 22 3.1 Political 22 3.2 Economic 22 3.3 Social 23 3.4 Technology 24 CHAPTER 4 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS 24 4.1 VIOR 25 4.2 GIORDANO 27 CHAPTER 5 INTERNAL ANALYSIS 28 5.1 Bases of competitive advantage 28 5.2 Organisational advantages 28 5.3 Functional/Departmental advantages 28 5.4 Inter-relationships with outside bodies 29 5.6 Financial Ratio Analysis 30 5.6.1 Profitability Ratio Analysis 30 5.6.2 Liquidity Ratio Analysis 31 5.6.3 Leverage Ratio Analysis 33 5.6.4 Activity Ratio Analysis 34 5.7 Value Chain Analysis 35 5.8 Target customer 36 5.9 SWOT 37 CHAPTER 6 STRATEGY ANALYSIS 40 Strategic Option A: S1S2S3O1 - Merger and acquisition strategy 40 RACES Evaluation: 41 Strategic Options B: S1S4T2 - Product development strategy (Defensive Strategy) 44 RACES Evaluation: 44 Strategic option C: W1W2T1 - Technology development...
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