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Counselling And Psychotherapy Theory Analysis

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Running head: Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories Hynson 1

Discussion Week # 1
The Impact of Theory on Social Change
A. Explanation of how counseling and psychotherapy theories can contribute to your professional development as a scholar-practitioner. Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories can contribute to my professional development as a scholar-practitioner in providing me with the foundation and the framework to interpret a client’s behavior, thoughts and feelings. A Counseling and Psychotherapy theory also provides the scholar-practitioner with a concept of how people develop and how one should be viewed as they go through psychological stages during the years of their life Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Others theories within the Counseling and Psychotherapy design can contribute to my professional development as a scholar-practitioner by providing me with the elements of a given theory to see if it is effective in treating the client throughout their treatment process in reaching their desired goals. …show more content…
As a counselor, I must consider the social and culture context of the community and define what oppressions significantly affect the lives of the clients and their families within my community in understanding their issues and concerns Jacuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (Eds.). (2016). I also understand that as a counselor engages with the diverse range of client’s and families in a particular community that I must go outside of my traditional counseling theories to increase my knowledge and self-awareness of the diverse community to create the opportunity connect with the clients and their families to bring about change in their lives Jacuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (Eds.).

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